Possible heart attack, possible pulmonary embolism, possibly something else completely different. I seem to be a medical mystery at the moment and I’m really struggling to stay positive. I’ve never been one to cry much, but I keep crying. I feel awful.
So far they’ve done a bunch of tests and half are inconclusive the others are fine. The only thing that’s been obvious so far is that I have a severe infection of some sort, but no idea where.
I’m sorry to hear you are in the ER. My last time I broke the bone in one of my fingers and it was cut and dry. Hopefully they will figure out what’s wrong with you.
I’m honestly doing pretty terrible. I hurt really bad and I feel like I’m wasting everyone’s time.
Like, maybe I should have just waited until Monday and called my regular doctor. I came in thinking it was obvious heart attack symptoms, but the nurse practitioner didn’t even draw heart enzymes or whatever so now I just feel really dumb.
It’s been (literally) beaten into me my entire life that I exaggerate everything, so I’m just feeling really guilty. Like the boy who cried wolf.
Just remember – if you’re not immediately on death’s door, ER people will treat you like you’re crying wolf. I once told a nurse that they made me feel like ■■■■ when I went in for a suspected kidney infection. I had all the symptoms, but not infection. What choice did I have but to go to the ER? If I had one, l I could have become septic. But since I didn’t have one, they acted like I wasted their time. Why? She said because they’re only interested in people who have emergent cases, and they focus on that. It DOES NOT mean they don’t believe you, or that you were wrong to go in to be checked.
What if it were a heart attack and you didn’t go? Most women avoid signs, tell themselves they’re being a burden or that they won’t be believed, and then it’s too late.
Hey @Pandy. I don’t mean to interrupt this thread, but you were right about psychiatrists. My pdoc looked at my echocardiogram results and said I was fine. My pulmonologist called me a day later and said I had a Grade II Systolic Dysfunction and needed to see a cardiologist.
I had to be taken to the hospital one time for heart attack. After a million tests they said it was the mother of all anxiety attacks. I get them but never that bad.
Right?! That’s what I told my husband (he’s here with me, his sister came and got Little LED as soon as we got here).
I asked the NP why she didn’t draw them hours ago and she says it was because my EKG was mostly normal. But like, I’ve not had any actual medical schooling and I know that an EKG alone cannot rule out a ■■■■■■■ heart attack!
Anyways, so several tests later, the d dimer just came back normal and the nurse came in to draw the first of a triponin sequence.