Full recovery

It was a huge mistake for me going off them but I didn’t believe I had anything. Now I know I do and wouldn’t go off of them for anything. Meds keep my sane!

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My psychiatrist says 30% of people with psychosis can go off meds. But you never know who is the 30%. Besides, psychiatrists may try to get you off meds if you are in complete remission for 2 years. It is like gambling. You never know who can go off meds and who cannot. There is no large-scale research with empirical evidence on this.

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I think it’s possible, depends on the person, little more unlikely of happening then the other way around.

As for me I’m in too deep, and time never seems to lie.

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There are several types of schizophrenia, mine is ‘simple’

Simple-type schizophrenia is a sub-type of schizophrenia as defined in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10).[1] It is not included in the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Simple-type schizophrenia is characterized by negative (“deficit”) symptoms, such as avolition, apathy, anhedonia, reduced affect display, lack of initiative, lack of motivation, low activity; with absence of hallucinations or delusions of any kind.

Maybe more severe cases of sz will need meds for life, my pdoc told me from the beginning that I would be able to quit meds once I started doing normal life.

I feel for those who are dealing with delusions :frowning: I don’t feel like I can help.

I went off medicine a few times and it wasn’t pretty. I expect recovery on meds in a few years. I don’t expect my progress to stop. I got over Bipolar I’ll get over this too.

I was diagnosed at 30, only 4 years ago. If you are at this early stage you should rely on the forums if you need to. A lot of these folks have had it a long time, I’m a sz newbie like yourself.

For me, the delusions went away November of last year and have not returned since. Having beat one symptom I am confident I can beat another, with medicine of course. Keep your chin up, it gets easier.

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It hurts my soul to see a person going without. I’ll share mine with you, got plenty!


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Glad to hear your delusions went away agent101. You sound pretty normal on PSN hah. My delusions also went away after I got on meds. I used to think weird ■■■■. Luckily now I’m more stable. Look forward to playing with you online!

I hear you MeSquirrel. I seem to remember we had the Aliens delusion in common.

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i think sleep is the main thing. Sleep disturbances are almost always present in schizophrenia. Sleep is when the brain has a chance to repair itself. If were not sleeping our brains will naturally become overwhelmed and progressively damaged

Yup yup yup.

(Talk about awkward.)


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Hahah MrSquirrel if it makes you feel better I used to stay up at night go in the backyard and talk to “aliens” for hours.

I tried to convert a room into my home into a Faraday cage. Don’t ask me how much copper wiring I put on my Mastercard.


Hahah Squirrel that made me laugh aloud with good humor. You have a good sense of humor. I won’t ask! Them aliens and their advanced technologies.

Mrs. Squirrel was NOT impressed. She has promised to murder my ass the next time I go off meds.

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I think I’ve recovered a lot considering where I was a year ago. My positive symptoms are way down. I’m not hallucinating, not delusional, firmly grounded in reality, don’t talk to myself constantly, voices are in the background, take care of my hygiene, excercise almost daily, work full time as a cashier, listen to podcasts, try to read or listen to books when I can, my social skills are there, have friends I can call and talk to, post on this forum to share my experiences and hopefully help someone.

The main problem I have right now is that my memory has deteriorated and my creativity is lacking. I keep forgetting things until or unless I write them down. It’s like my mind keeps playing tricks on me. It has improved slightly but it’s not as exceptional as it was before. I still have slight depression which seems to be clearing away and sleep problems which are getting better with the new medication I’m taking.

Overall I’m functioning very well but not to the level I was before. Before I was working, going to school, pursuing my hobbies, gym without a care in the world and now life has changed. I also go to weekly group meetings for schizophrenics and the main lady told me that it gets better with time. I’ve been told I’m doing really good and looking good as well so that’s a positive. I would say that I have recovered about 75 - 80% which is still pretty good in my opinion but I don’t think I will be completely recovered. Hopefully this helps!!


@Schizophrenic do you think you will need the meds for life?

I believe so. I went off my meds once and even though I functioned for almost a year without them it still didn’t end well because the illness came back with full force. I almost died because I was so out of reality and was trapped in my own world. Eventually I started a new medication that was much more tolerable and eventually gained insight.


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