That’s about 3 years that I could not work. I was diagnosed in 1980 with paranoid schizophrenia when I was 19. Those next three years I spent in group homes and hospitals. When I was 21 I was going to a vocational program 4 days a week. Through a series of small steps I became employed and I have been working almost steadily since.
In the vocational program I started off doing mailing projects and yard work. Then the counselors at the vocational program made me sole groundskeeper of the building. Then, they had me run a cash register for lunch that they had in the building. Then they had me catch a bus to their main office and do some light janitorial work two days a week. Finally, the program got me a steady job in the community at a small business. I stayed there for 4 years. So I just wanted to show that a gap in your employment history does not necessarily preclude you from getting work…