He told me couple of times he dont want to hear from me because,as he claims,said to him that Im bi.
I dont recall saying it,but the thing that bothered me this evening is his claim that he balelieves Im “normal” .
First,what the hell he thinks who is he to judge.
Said it to him first time we spoke,that he would be last on Earth to hear about my sexual identity.
He really pissed me off for insisting that.
I wasnt on forum when some thing happenned.
I picked up young man,to save him from vagrancy,and he stayed in my flat for a month.
I gave him keys,cleaned wardrober for his stuff,even washed his clothes.
I fed him until he found a job.
He collected money for an apartment,and I asked none for my self expencies.
Unfortunatelly,he lost all one night gambling.
I trow him out.
I mean,bought him phone,give him shelter,and he was stupid enough to waste it.
Never thought to have something with him,although all my family considered us gay.
I just gave him what he needed during that time,and thats oportunity to earn something and get away from street.
Am I gay.
Only you can know if you are gay. You already said you are bi. Those aren’t bad things. It’s just how you are.
I think you are a wonderful person for helping that person out. Shame he squandered it.
Thanks @anon4362788 ,I never thought to use him like majority of bad people would…
I always was bi,except didnt want to wave the flag.
What happens beetween two person in room is their privacy…
It doesn’t matter if your gay or bisexual @anon22846033
I dont know …
One day I like women,the other…
Im already considered gay from women side,and gay people come to me often with will to meet me,and I say f… off
Ah yes, the bisexual curse. If you are a guy, everyone will keep calling you gay. If you are a girl, everyone will keep calling you straight and desperate for attention. People just can’t fathom the idea of liking both, even though it is super common.
@Ninjastar ,I dont know,really… Im struggling with my mind about various problems,I dont fit in lgbtq community,just want not to be judged…
Lots of bisexuals feel like they dont fit in the lgbt community. It is really frustrating. Some communities are open and accepting of everyone. Others only welcome lesbians and gays. Bisexuals and trans people get left out most often.
My aunt deprived me financial help while this guy was here.
F…k,can they look at their wasted marriages.
This one from beggining,was married for two years,and had no intercourse with his wife.
I consider him more gay that I am,because he likes man company.
Im even sad that I had to come open.
I like my intimacy,and have support from some folks,but Im old and dont think Ill be able to get relationship with either.
My girlfriend who I broke with twenty years ago,knew my nature,and she was only one who didnt judge me,even at points when I clearly acted gay.
I think she was bi too,from the way she had sexual fantasies.
Im ashamed…Should have more intense life for these twenty years,but I dont know men,never did.
Got only my type
PM who wants to chat …
My boyfriend is bisexual and so am I.
I never tried to fit into the lgbtq community but when I took party drugs I went to pride , Mardi Gras and sleaze ball festival party and had lots of gay friends.
They left me when I became fat and psychotic and stopped clubbing but I behaved badly too.
I missed one friends thirtieth birthday party and instead asked him to do my makeup.
What a bi tchy thing to do.
Nothing wrong with being bisexual.
I don’t feel apart of lgbtq community either but of course support them.
My boyfriend has a crush on Jason mamoa and Sam Elliot.
He had oral sex with a man but not an al.
Wishing you well.
Thanks,kinda feel the same like your man…
Short Advice - Bin them off if they dont like that fact your bi.
My couple of close female mates, find it re-assuring - cos they know they can be themselves round me - without them thinking im jacking off in their knickers when ive done a load of washing for them.
I bend towards the cock lately anyway. And they know that.
hi. guys
I think that GLBTQ group is not clearly stamped on ones surface. If you dont say, nobody know if you asre GLBTQ. you may keep it vague and not claim it clearly, it is ok. I think GLBTQ is one’s private message.
Closed as per Op’s request.