Freewill = Relatively everything. Without freewill we are biological programmed robots with no intelligent choices

Freewill = Relatively everything.

Without freewill we are biological programmed robots with no intelligent choices.

Automatic = Laws apply

Manual = Apply laws

Freewill = Apply laws

No freewill = Laws apply

Before life there is no freewill

After life, freewill?

AFTER Life(with freewill) there is freewill.

Without freewill there is no manual decision making only automatic

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there is definately free will but that doesnt mean theres not a plan

we are machines… we are just hella complex and tend to be irrationally needy… our soft emotive brains just want want want…

(but I do believe in free will [most of the time])…

We synthesize new things… that takes time and focus, not everything is automatic.

I like to believe I make choices and exercise a moral responsibility for those choices. That’s just what I like to believe. I don’t know if it is true. I don’t know how different philosophers in history have treated that question. I bet they don’t agree.

We don’t know whether we have free will at this point. It could be real or it could be an illusion.

Determinism is an assumption necessary for science to proceed at all.

I have free will in my mind sometimes. On the outside world it’ another story however. I’m free to choose multiple paths, all with obstacles and blockages. Not work is not an option, not studying is not an option for me. Ah well…

Sagar Gorijala’s signature:

Use freewill and get good health.

  • Sagar Gorijala.

There is no free will. Free from what? Free from conditioning and natural predispositions? What would that look like, there’s some “little you” inside your brain making the decisions? We are a really complex Rube Goldberg machine, reflex on top of a reflex on top of a reflex. There is no “you” to have free will anyways, everything you do is unconscious and “you” witness what your brain does. I would defer to neuroscientists in this matter.

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