Free international rehabilitation for people with schizophrenia


I am from Poland and I am looking for free rehabilitation programs somewhere in Europe. Does something like this real?


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I doubt it. Unless there is something in your own country? To get into a free program in a different country I think you would have to have citizenship in that country.

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That’s how it is in Canada, and we’re discouraging people from coming over as strongly as we can right now due to the housing crisis. If you’re not in construction or health care you’re not really welcome at this point.

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:thinking: well I am in the states so I can’t speak for Europe. But here if you’re low income you can get on Medicaid health insurance which covers most services you’d need if not all. When I was on it I’d pay nothing out of pocket, even for my numerous hospital stays.

Welcome to the forum :smiley::smiley::smiley:

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Only in government sponsored programmes which might require you to be a citizen

Psychiatry isn’t free in Belgium, so even Belgians have to pay part of the cost.