has anyone got their cognition improved being in this forum after certain amt of time. i see everyone trying to interact and getting answers appropriately. this looks intellectual and informative. please share your thoughts.
My cognition doesn’t seem to be too bad. But I take lots of supplements. It’s the avolition and anhedonia that get me.
It is possible to improve cognition if you regularly exercise your brain. And yes focusing on typing out coherent responses is good exercise. I know some people on here have trouble reading long phrases, but that is very good for their brain, to keep pushing to read things that are a bit longer than before every day. To write too! Puzzles and other things can also help to improve cognition.
It can be hard when you have a disease that degenerates your cognition but you can fight it as hard as you can!
@frencheese. me too have the same i believe. what stops them anyway. is it will power? or encouragement? or med?
I think it’s mostly time and some willpower. At least that’s what I’m hoping.
My cognition is super bad … i think mind trainning can help…my negative and cognitive symptoms are bad …!!!
I’ve been walking a lot last three or so months. I think you can get good results from exercise. I think it’s probably the best thing you can do for your mind. It seems to be working out better for me. I’m back reading…can read longer texts…understand more etc etc. It’s a different approach and it helps with anitpsychotics and their weight gain!