For those who are lonely tonight 💔

There are singles who are without partner tonight.Share your wishes and hopes…


I wish to be dead


I’m really ok with THAT. Think I might have been a bad listener back in the day and conversation just dried up. I forgive myself though.


No,no problem.I just can’t relate to this Valentines day.So I thought maybe some people will stay around homes and beside forum.Just to chat…


Coincidentally I have a big weekend just nothing to do with anything Hallmark-ey.


Just sitting here eating a banana popsicle. Lol


I thought as is celebrated in my country same,women are preparing their hair and nails,men are buying condoms,and we can chat here…

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Looks like me myself and hand tonight oh boy


I can’t say I’m lonely. Actually I’m basking in an introvert’s paradise. But I am sending well wishes to everyone who has a tough time on this day. Take care folks.



Yes,and likes for us folks.It’s important to keep up…

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I really wish I’d have stayed home from work this afternoon, because I looked at a few of the hot young women on staff and I didn’t expect that to happen. The day started off so great and I was ready to go with the flow. It turned into a rather crappy day.

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Just keep ok for tonight as we watch happy couples kissing on streets and restaurants with roses.Ok,when I mentioned flowers theres rose for @JustTrish :rose:

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I didnt even know it was valentines day didnt know it was friday till my dad told me haha

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just pam here with her 5 sisters

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Thank you kindly for the rose? :blush:

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Such a weird topic to think on, I swear I gave up hope 15 years ago, granted that was premature, but sometimes and maybe it’s the meds I get a little hopeful and amorous. For example I joined a gym and went 6 days in a row and then stopped. I paid for it for about a year and a half due to being disorganized.

Two good flicks analyzing hope are Shawshank and I might sound like a broken record, but The Matrix. I guess everybody’s seen them. It’s simultaneously our best and worst quality… something like that.

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We live in the matrix my friend didnt you know

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I’m glad I’m here with family.

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Elon Musk when pressured said he “would like to know what’s outside the simulation?”

I’ll see if I can dig it up I’m not doing it justice.

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