There are singles who are without partner tonight.Share your wishes and hopes…
I wish to be dead
I’m really ok with THAT. Think I might have been a bad listener back in the day and conversation just dried up. I forgive myself though.
No,no problem.I just can’t relate to this Valentines day.So I thought maybe some people will stay around homes and beside forum.Just to chat…
Coincidentally I have a big weekend just nothing to do with anything Hallmark-ey.
Just sitting here eating a banana popsicle. Lol
I thought as is celebrated in my country same,women are preparing their hair and nails,men are buying condoms,and we can chat here…
Looks like me myself and hand tonight oh boy
I can’t say I’m lonely. Actually I’m basking in an introvert’s paradise. But I am sending well wishes to everyone who has a tough time on this day. Take care folks.
Yes,and likes for us folks.It’s important to keep up…
I really wish I’d have stayed home from work this afternoon, because I looked at a few of the hot young women on staff and I didn’t expect that to happen. The day started off so great and I was ready to go with the flow. It turned into a rather crappy day.
Just keep ok for tonight as we watch happy couples kissing on streets and restaurants with roses.Ok,when I mentioned flowers theres rose for @JustTrish
I didnt even know it was valentines day didnt know it was friday till my dad told me haha
just pam here with her 5 sisters
Thank you kindly for the rose?
Such a weird topic to think on, I swear I gave up hope 15 years ago, granted that was premature, but sometimes and maybe it’s the meds I get a little hopeful and amorous. For example I joined a gym and went 6 days in a row and then stopped. I paid for it for about a year and a half due to being disorganized.
Two good flicks analyzing hope are Shawshank and I might sound like a broken record, but The Matrix. I guess everybody’s seen them. It’s simultaneously our best and worst quality… something like that.
We live in the matrix my friend didnt you know
I’m glad I’m here with family.
Elon Musk when pressured said he “would like to know what’s outside the simulation?”
I’ll see if I can dig it up I’m not doing it justice.