If you like anime, you might want to try a show called Haikyu!!. It is on Hulu. It is about a high school volleyball team. I’m not into sports but I’ll always try out real life competition type anime because of Hikaru no Go. I never thought I’d like a show about the Asian game Go but it is in my top three favorite anime of all time. I also never imagined I would feel my heart race watching someone place a black stone on a game board lol.
Haikyu!! has the same feel as Hikaru no Go minus the friendly ghost aspect. I’ve only seen one episode but it was amazing. It is also really highly rated. On Hulu and Netflix I have noticed that even bad anime are usually decently rated. I think it is because only those who watch anime try them and they might rate things higher to gently prod Netflix to keep getting new anime.
On that note. For those of you who like anime, which is your favorite? Do you find you have trouble watching certain kinds?
I used to get obsessed with an anime series for a year or two then get bored and find a new obsession. It was Death Note, Naruto, Kill la Kill, and now it’s Fairy Tail. While I’m not deeply fascinated with FT, I enjoy the likable and humorous characters.
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In my childhood days I loved Gundam Wing, Dragon Ball Z, Yugi-oh & a little bit of Full Metal Alchemist.
@Faulkner I couldn’t get into Fairy Tail but I like Naruto and Death Note and I’ve just started Kill la Kill. For Naruto I think it is funny the filler got so bad they renamed it Naruto Shippuden just to tell people ‘Hey we stopped the filler please come back’ lol. Or that is my theory. Did you ever try Bleach? It has a lot of filler too unfortunately. Those animators need to draw faster!
@Heisenberg I’m watching Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood now on Netflix. They decided to remake the show and follow the manga more closely. Gundam Wing and Yugi-oh is awesome. I tried Dragon Ball Z but I had problems with the fact that the first ten minutes of the show recap what happened last time and the last ten minutes tell you about the next episode. Seeing Goku go super sayan for the first time was cool though.
BTW is your moniker inspired by Breaking Bad?
Yup, congrats to Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul and Anna Gunn for there emmy wins!
I’m on season 2. I love it but Conan O’Brien ruined the ending for me. I watched the episode of Conan where they have the whole BB cast on and they talked about the ending. Darn you to heck Conan O’Brein! He is now my nemesis. Or he would be if we still got TBS. You can’t have a nemesis you can’t see.
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Yeah science!
Yo 148, 3-to-the-3-to-the-6-to-the-9. Representin’ the ABQ. What up, biatch? Leave it at the tone!
My fav animes are gankutsuou,ghost hound,ghost in the shell
I tried to like anime. I’ve watched a number of the more mainstream movies like Akira, Vampire Hunter D, Ghost in the Shell, etc but I just didn’t enjoy them. They seem to start ok then devolve into really weird stuff and lots of amorphous blobs of flesh.
I also don’t enjoy Asian video role-playing games. I think it’s the whole anime style of art and the odd story-lines. It seems that all anime is big eyed kids and little girls with their panties showing in every shot.
I don’t mean to come down on anime, I know it’s popular, I just don’t enjoy it. Well, except Speed Racer, that old cartoon from the 60’s. I loved that show. Yeah I know it’s not really anime, but I’m struggling to find something positive to say. 
@Malvok Anime isn’t for everyone. It’s like pineapple on pizza or white chocolate. I dislike tomatoes and love tomato sauce. My mom thinks that is weird. Just because others love anime doesn’t mean those who do expect everyone to do so. Also you don’t have to worry about saying you don’t like something. It’s okay to dislike something and say it as long as you do it in a respectful manner. To see the opposite of disliking something in a respectful manner please go to any social networking/forum site on the internet.
My favorite is probably Samurai X, then Berserk, followed closely by Code Geass and Psycho-Pass. All are violent, serious for the most part, and lots of people die and lots of characters are similar to me in uncanny ways. Berserk is about a medieval mercenary who wields an over-sized sword whose life gets messed up by demons when he is like 19 (around the same age I became psychotic). Code Geass is about a teenage mastermind and world war with mechs- piloted humanoid robots, if you know anime you know what mechs are. I relate to how Lelouch in that I have the same personality type- I do whatever I set my mind to and also do well as a leader. Psycho-Pass is about crime in the future- people are scanned and a “crime coefficient” can be read- if it is too high, they are labeled as latent criminals and apprehended- but they are hunted down by latent criminals who are working for the police- the sort of idea that it takes a criminal to catch a criminal.
I can’t stand the “happy high school” genre animes unless I am very drunk. I only have one drink socially these days so sadly I cant watch it. Lol. But anime is great.
Ruruoni Kenshin (Samurai X) is probably a good show to recommend to you. It is cartoon network friendly and was aired on CN but has some relatively serious parts. Overall it is just a happy medium between serious and lighthearted. Everyone likes that show.
My favorite anime ever, however, is the Samurai X prequel movie to the kid friendly tv show. It is very serious, fast paced and violent, totally not for children.
@mortimermouse Beserk is one of my favorite anime. It is rather depressing though. Right now I’m working on getting all the manga together so I can binge read them. Have you seen the movie remakes? I think they are on the second or third part of the golden age. Personally I think the series is better than the movies. I was hoping they would get into the black swordsman era but I don’t know if they are.
Thank you for your suggestions. I think Psycho Pass is on Netflix (or maybe Hulu). I will definitely try it.
Yes! The remakes are awesome! And you need to read the manga, the whole thing is available online. The ending to the anime is only like volume 13 in the manga. mangareader.net and mangahere.com are in my bookmarks, I assume they havent been shut down.