Flat earth theory

Lol. People are crazy enough to believe the earth is flat.


It isn’t? Why am I always the last one to know about things?

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Before Magellan circled the world on a ship shortly after Christopher Colombus epic voyage, it was standard to believe the world was flat. In fact. people were punished for teaching that the world is flat.

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Pshhh. I don’t know what you’re all talking about, of course the earth is flat and the center of the universe. I don’t believe any of that sciency stuff, global warming, climate change, the COVID vaccine, I’ll stick with my horse dewormer and bible thank you very much. None of that heretical science blasphemy. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition! AMEN!

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It doesn’t even merit the qualifier of “theory.” It’s not even a hypothesis. At best it can be called a belief.

There’s a simple measurement that detects if a region is flat or curved. Draw a triangle. Any triangle will do. Measure the angles of the corners as close to the corners as you can. If the angles add up to 180°, the region that the triangle was drawn in is flat.

This measurement can be made on the surface of the Earth. Large enough triangles will have angle sums greater than 180°. This indicates that the surface of the Earth is curved.

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People during the middle ages didn’t really believe the earth was flat. Geocentrism was a different matter, though.

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I thought it was a triangle :roll_eyes: my bad lol

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I misspoke. People were punished for teaching the world was round.
Sorry, I’m getting old.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Post a Selfie #15

Now if y’all remember Mr. Gene Ray, Cubic, the Earth is a 24 hour Time CUBE! The children today don’t know about this because they are EDUCATED STUPID! Till You KNOW 4 Simultaneous Days
Rotate In Same 24 Hours Of Earth
You Don’t Deserve To Live On Earth!

Sorry, I should have chosen the post selfies thread.

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@walterchang I moved your selfies to the selfie thread :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you, Moonbeam. :slightly_smiling_face:


I believe it is a square to the point of the horizon. And that square extends itself, just like a video game character is not moving but the 3D render moves beneath and around the character. The illusion of motion has to do with time and space relativity. We can only see the square, not the whole render at any point in time. Even in space, which is relative to time, motion, light and many other factors.

To see the earth as a globe, one has to have enough distance, just as a selfie distorts a picture because of fish eye lens. Things are warped. Far enough, it maybe look like a disc, further away in from space it looks like a point. But that doesn’t mean it is a point, disc, nor a globe. It’s all human perspective.

The illusion of motion is important. because 1 lightyear away from earth, if someone drives a 1,000 miles per hour over the earth, the real motion seen from that distance is insignificant. It may seem like a snail crawling over a stone. So relativity is important.

Also earth is the center of the universe,
unfortunately still we are in search of the center.
Some believe we are the center of the universe,
And that result in Narcissism which was coined on 1898.
I am not sure what in the world I am talking about :crazy_face:


It’s funny how they explain the southern hemisphere. I’m from Australia and we do exist. Ask anyone who’se done the hard yards in economy on an international flight and you’d know soon enough the place is round!

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Incorrect. The earth is a sqearth. Case closed :grin:
