Fitbit Week Two Report

6.3 lbs gone. Walking at least six miles per day now. Have walked up to ten miles some days. Physical stamina improving. Energy level up. It’s helping motivate me to make better choices because I’ll see the bad ones on my dashboard, and to get moving to close the last gap and hit some goals I’m near completing in terms of activity.

Very glad I made the investment so far.

The device has mostly been reliable and accurate. All bets are off if the battery gets below about 30%. Need to charge every couple of days. The one day it was really off was when I drove a field trip. It interpreted the motion of the bus as me walking over 10K steps and climbing 130 floors. It’s pretty accurate with cars, but not bigger vehicles. Wish there was a way to turn it off easily.



ALSO: Before X-mas I started seeing doc about my weight. Dietician, too. Fell off the wagon and managed to erase my losses after January. Back on track and within 0.1 lbs of getting that weight loss back. Will build on it this time. Also helps that it’s not sodding freezing outside and I can go out for walks. I hate winter.


sounds like you are really trying to lose weight :slight_smile:

Great report - thanks for sharing! This is something that might prove helpful to a lot of people on our forum.

ANYTHING to avoid a repeat of the last conversation with my cardiologist. It was – to use a pun – disheartening.



good on you…i am impressed. :hatched_chick: :bird: " tweet…tweet "
take care :alien:

Good job man, keep it up!

congratulations… good luck with your continued success… I’d like my stamina on land to get better.

I’ll have to look into the fitbit.

That’s pretty legit man. After a month I’d be back to the weight I was before psychosis.

Really cool.

I was on Zyprexa and put on 25 pounds. I started out walking my dog, bought dumbbells, lifted two sets twice a week, I always loved cycling. I won’t brag, but endorphins are a really good high. If you’re not working, walk. good for you fitbit, keep on doing it.

Good for you @shutterbug!
My brother wants to buy me a fitbit for my upcoming birthday - I think that it could help me maintain good fitness

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