Was at the doc today, and they agreed to let me change from olanzapine to Latuda and use Quetiapine as a sleepagent.
Nozinan came on the table first as a sleep med, but it’s a first generation AP, so I asked if I could use Quetiapine instead since it’s at least safer on paper being a second generation AP. And I can!
I’m very happy about this. I will be working down my olanzapine dose the next two weeks and then attempt the switch.
Nice switch, I lost 20-30kg on Latuda and am loving it. Brexpiprazole is the only other thing I would take. Good choice to stay away from benzos. APs for sleep are still a bit off a trap just not a messy with addiction/ tolerance aspects. You still certainly adapt to the point where you need them to sleep. I would try melatonin and magnesium if you haven’t already. It’s a difficult game we play, good luck!
Yeah, olanzapine is supposed to be good for sleep, but has given me insomnia as a side effect. I get zero sleep without it or if I take low doses. I have to take 6.25mg now just for sleeps sake, while I could get by on 5mg or even 3.75mg if I got proper sleep.
Hoping this switch will be better for my sleep and that going off olanzapine maybe can restore me a little.
Yeah, I’m taking those supplements plus L-serine which I find helpful.