Finally Got a Court Date

Not sure what area to put this in!

I finally got a date for a plea hearing. It’s going to be on the 30th of this month. The prosecutor has offered a deal. As it stands, the charge I face carries mandatory 2-5 years in prison. The offer from the prosecutor is for up to TEN years, but with no minimum, meaning it’s possible for me to get probation.

I’ve been waiting over a year to get a court date. I haven’t been able to work this whole time because of my charge. I was dreading 2-5 years in prison and now I find out I might get TEN! Or I might get no prison time. It’s all so terrifying! This is the main reason that I took all those pills… I committed the crime and if I don’t take the deal, I’m guaranteed at least 2 years…

Now I don’t know what to do. I meet with my lawyer on Wednesday to discuss the deal but my anxiety has gone way up since I heard about 10 years!

I have no idea what to do right now.

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The fact that they are willing to deal sounds promising, perhaps your lawyer can negotiate them down?


He’s been trying to do that for over a year, that’s how long it took to get this deal. He says this is it.


What did you do if you don’t mind me asking? I also got in trouble with the Law while psychotic.

My partner was in jail for up to a week but the charges could have had time up to 2 years but she took a plea and got time served.

I hope you can too

What state are you in? Some states are so overcrowded they will opt for probation whenever they can. Sometimes when they shouldn’t. Your lawyer can probably give you an idea of the chances.

I was manic and tried to pay a 17 year old boy for sex. He told me he was 19.

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Did you get caught in a ‘sting operation’?

If you thought the guy was 19, I doubt you’ll be doing any heavy jail time. Lawyers always present you with the worst case scenario.

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No it wasn’t a sting, in the US they have an agency that monitors Facebook conversations with minors. They caught it that way.