Feeling very energetic but in a bad way

I’ve taken some L-theanine and beta alanine which calm me down normally so I’m hoping they’ll do the trick.

Abilify is supposed to be “activating” but I’ve never really had that issue before.

I feel like I’ve taken a stimulant. And i haven’t.

I hope this isn’t going to be a permanent thing.


Sorry to hear that, hope it improves

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I hate that feeling. I hope it goes away soon

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Do you think you might be hypomanic? You’re not writing long posts, so, that’s a good sign. @everhopeful

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Hope you feel calmer soon x

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Oh no that doesn’t sound all too good. Let’s hope things go back to normal soon enough


You can go at this in a couple ways, you can take the road where you do some things to calm yourself down (hot bath, meditation) or you can do something productive with the energy (organize your dresser drawers, make a meal). If you just sit in it you are most likely going to feel bad.


I’ve never had a mood issue, so I don’t think it’s that. I just hope I don’t feel the same tomorrow…

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Is it anxiety? 15

I became very alert and like my mind was very activated just before my relapse 3 weeks ago.

I hope it is nothing serious like that.

Please let us know if anything changes.

And please let your pdoc know if anything changes

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Just like I’d taken a stimulant. So nervous energy.

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I get that when drinking coffee or on lower dose meds. Idk what it is, maybe anxiety, but it feels bad and not normal.


I also get it when I don’t eat carbs for a long time.


Are you on a diet? @everhopeful

Not at the moment.

I’m just hoping it goes away overnight. There’s always something to worry about… :roll_eyes:


Yea thats the case with sz. I got rid of my positive symptoms and anxieties but now I worry about my bad negative symptoms, future and my health.

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There is caffeine in decaff coffee. It is just reduced to about 7mg, but you say you are sensitive to it.


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