Feeling triumphant again

I was looking at all I’ve done over the course of my life and overall, it’s been a winning run…now I have my spiritual life on course again (can’t talk about it but this is recent). I see nothing but clear skies from now on and I’m so happy. Life is hard, but it doesn’t have to be.


With a successful spiritual life, everything else just falls right into place no matter what happens :slightly_smiling_face:


more good things happening…got a coffee maker at walmart just now…yayyyy…one less thing we are without of. Things just keep getting better and better…


I sometimes wonder where I am headed. Sometimes I think about jumping on a bus and heading east. I don’t know. Right now my life is kind of in flux. I’ve pretty much decided not to head east. It can feel good to be without any ties to the world, but something always happens that yanks me from my pleasant reverie.

@crimby don’t do it man…you will throw away everything !! scared for you with all your talk of leaving your housing .

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