Feeling trapped inside

It’s been cold lately (like in the -20s…Celsius…with wind chill) and I haven’t been getting out as much. Depression is kicking my butt. I have today and Monday to maybe get outside, because it will be a bit warmer, and then we’re getting a big snow storm on Tuesday (so another day probably spent inside). :roll_eyes: I’d do my stationary bike, but I’m tired of it already.

A bit of good news (Trigger Warning: Mild Humble Bragging): I ordered groceries to be delivered today. It’s the heavy kind of things too, so I made sure the delivery tip was good. :slight_smile:

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yes, there is an arctic blast due to hit Oklahoma next week and I’m not happy…down to zero F. at one point for a night…bitter cold…hate it. glad you will have groceries…you struggle a lot…I’m sorry…

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I remember that 32F is 0 Celsius, so 0F must be cold! I bought a Lindor Excellent chocolate bar in raspberry flavour. I’ll eat it on Tuesday. :slight_smile:

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yayyy…chocolate with raspberry…yummmm…we had our favorite ice cream sundae…I had hot fudge sundae with buttered pecan ice cream, triple dip…haha

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I wish I could have ice cream. My teeth are sensitive. And there’s the diabetes to take care of.

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