Feeling lonely

My husband is out driving for Uber. The kids aren’t home. I already spent a long time alone today. I’m so used to having people around. It’s kind of lonely now. But my husband will be home in a couple hours.

I’m afraid to watch tv because I’m feeling a little off mentally and I’m not sure how I’ll respond


Sorry to hear that I tend to get lonely too it sucks loneliness is hard

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Do you get delusions of reference with the tv?

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Thanks @AwesomeFisherman . I have no idea how people live alone. I’ve done it and hated it. It’s my goal to always live with others

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I start feeling like it could be real @Moon

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Me too. People seem annoyed with me with that, I can’t watch tv, and when I try I turn it off because of paranoia . Do people around you understand

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Sort of. We just change the show if I’m struggling. It helps to have others around when I’m like this

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Yes i find tv triggering so barely watch it
Can you call anyone for a chat?


Yeah. I just talked to my daughter over the phone for a bit. Thanks @anon29983254

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Well you have us to talk to :smiling_face:

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Thanks @Rainstorm Im so glad you all are here :slight_smile:

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