Feeling good

I’m feeling good, I tried to quit the nicotine gum but it didn’t work so I’ll continue to take it.

Currently on a benzo taper, hoping to get off of it soon since I don’t feel like I need it.

How are y’all feeling today?


It maybe best to stay on the nicotine gum until you get of the benzos, then cut down on the gum if you want to. The gum is less harmful than smoking.


I don’t feel good but no matter.
Happy to hear that you are doing well.
I am a young man but I have given up all my dreams, all but one.
I want to immigrate from Israel, no matter where.
Within several years, with the grace of the Lord, schizophrenia will be cured, including my case.
Then I will immigrate, preferably to the US but really I prefer even developing countries over Israel.
So preferably to the US but if I fail, I will try to move to any other country,
like Russia, South America, wherever.


Don’t give up on your dreams. Maybe see you in the US someday. I’m from southern California near Disneyland. I’ve been to Paris France, Florence Italy, South Korea, and Tokyo, Japan. Also to New York, Arizona, and Reno Nevada, and Boston I find it fun to travel. Maybe you can be a foreign exchange student if they offer it there. Anyways pray that you can pursue your dreams of traveling.


@Simonw thanks, I have nicotine gum and Wellbutrin to keep me company through the withdrawal.
@Chess24 Come to Canada, we have good medicine and a disability plan that pays for them.

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Kudos to you for stopping smoking - anyway you can is good. Jukebox and I both quit.


Just follow your dreams, after many years you can say that you tried. I was 21 years old when I went to the US and then just many years passed and I traveled in many nations, but it is funny how things go, now I live 300 meters from the place where I was born. Life can be funny sometimes. Maybe you could immigrate to the European Union. Europe is a beautiful place with many different cultures. We here in Finland have a small Jewish community.


It’s tough as heck to immigrate to the U.S., but, it can be done. People do it all the time. I suggest that you never give up on your dreams. I never did. I’ve fulfilled all my dreams except one. That was immigrating to Mexico. Mexico changed drastically over the years to where it was no longer attractive or easy to immigrate to. I have one dream left. That is to play the piano at performance level.

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