Feeling down

I’m feeling depressed. I feel like I’m unworthy of love, I feel sad that I have family members who don’t love me but do love others. I’ve been unloved since infancy.

My mom and dad tied me down to my crib as a baby and left me there all day.

My mom starved me to the point I was so malnourished my skin started coming off. My dad abused me too.

And one of my sisters always hated me but beyond normal siblings fighting.

Then my mom abandoned me and a couple years later I got emancipated.

I went through abuse from the men in the neighborhood who knew I had no dad around. It goes on and on.

I feel terrible. I’m just really down

What about me is so worthless? Why is it so hard to find goodness in me?

Sorry for the depressing rant. I’m just super sad.

I want nothing more than friends and family.


I’m sorry CoCo. You seem like a really kind, down to earth person. You deserve to be loved. People can be cruel sometimes.

We all care about you on here and i’m glad you’re getting this off your chest.


Thanks @TheCanuk

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You really shouldnt think of yourself this way you are very loveable more loveable than most people and they dont even think or care you support your husband very well and your very supportive on this website you are very loveable

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You’re not worthless and you seem like a good person to me.

I’m sorry all those things happened to you. People do terrible things sometimes and can be very cruel.

I’ve had lots of bad things happen to me too for most of my life but I chose to forgive everyone and be happy I’m alive and have a good life now.

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Your family is culpable. I would not forgive unless people make amends. Otherwise they will continue to hurt you.

Don’t let anyone into your life who will hurt you. There are good people who may find you.

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Well, luck is relative but you can be thankful that you turned out to be the nice person you are, despite all that.

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Thanks @Rainstorm . I’m just really struggling

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Thanks @anon11586064

@Kxev I forgive without expecting the other person to change or apologize so I don’t hold on to bitterness

Thanks @77nick77


You need to find healing and peace from your past. You aren’t in that place anymore physically but are stuck there mentally and it’s effecting your self worth.

The thing about trauma is that there will always be a wound in your heart from them. Eventually you need it to heal over though and turn them into scars instead of letting them be open wounds.

CBT really helped me heal from past trauma. I don’t let it get to me when I have a bad memory now. I acknowledge it’s existence, remind myself it’s from the past and move to a better memory in my mind.


I go through this daily… Just hang in there… This to will pass!! You seem like a good person like many of the people on the forum. When your feeling a little better and happy ride that wave… I promise your not the only one …

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That’s great that you can do that @sweetpotatopie . I need to try to get where you are.

Thanks @anon31960475 . I’m sorry you’ve suffered too. Hopefully you find peace.

I think the fact that you went through all that trauma and didn’t become a psychopath speaks volumes about your character and your propensity to love and care about others.

Sending you a big HUG @LilyoftheValley .



The suns gonna break for all of us :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: just be kind to yourself!!!


Maybe listen to this every day.

Hope you feel better soon and can do lots of healing.:pray:t4:


Thanks @Montezuma @anon31960475 @SacredNeigh7


This is not right, I’m sorry you’ve been through so much. I really am, because you’ve been so kind and good to me on the forum and i never realised how tough things have been for you. Honestly, you like many others on the forum; are appreciated by me.


You’re a valued and respected member of this community, and you seem like a really nice person. I’m sorry you’re feeling so low. I’ve been there. Wishing you peace.


You were treated like crap. It’s only natural to have such feelings. My advice is to try to stay in the present and make new better memories. Eventually, the good memories will be dominant in your mind.

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