I was really struggling last night. I got some good sleep which helped.
I’ve really been struggling with depression. But, it doesn’t do me any good to feel sorry for myself. I just hurt deeply , you know? But I’m trying to “buck up and deal with it”.
Thanks. I was really struggling last night. I got some good sleep which helped.
I’ve really been struggling with depression. But, it doesn’t do me any good to feel sorry for myself. I just hurt deeply , you know? But I’m trying to “buck up and deal with it”.
Idk if it helps but getting over your past is difficult but possible!!! You have to fill your life with supportive people who challenge those feelings of damage and badness. I’m going through something similar to your issues but different. I find the more positive people in my life the more the story of my badness fades.
For me… it’s hard to let go of my past because some of the stuff was my fault …unlike you. Still those ideas of your unworthiness are absolutely untrue. Think of your deepest intentions … And maybe try to except that sometimes people aren’t good to us and that’s not our fault. At least that’s my game plan. I don’t know if you like to read but Tara brach’s radical acceptance has really helped me tear down some of those BELIEFS of being fundamentally flawed. I know I’m not credible on this from but seriously check her out if you haven’t already… I’m as damaged as you are and she already helped me!!!
Anyways…I hope you find your way back to yourself. You are NOT the abuse that happened to you
I’m working on it with my therapist, but I haven’t improved much. She mainly just has been giving me worksheets to do at home. She’s so bogged down with clients she can only see me once every 2-4 weeks. I feel like I need more than that. But I get my care for free under a grant where I go so I can’t change mental health facilities.
That is just horrible. I’m sorry you had to experience things like that. You can’t blame yourself, because your parents were incapable of raising you properly. I don’t know how you can heal yourself, but you deserve a good life.
didn’t see this when you posted…so sorry for your upbringing…not fair…it is awful they did those cruel things to you…you have a right to be sad, but like sweetpotato said, maybe CBT will help.