Feeling depressed right now. All I want to do is sleep. I feel like I can’t do anything right. I am second guessing my book. Ugh
welcome to my world, I just got up from a nap
I am paranoid too. A voice in my head keeps telling me that everyone on here hates me and that they are ignoring me because of it
I get that way, no worries though I don’t hate you and have never seen anyone on here saying bad things about you
No one hates you. Probably its just no one knows what to say to help you right now is all.
I don’t know what to say.
I get the depression too or it gets me. Usually passes. Just gotta ride it out sometimes.
Yeah I am trying to ride it out. I have been having mood swings really bad lately
This seems to be quite the frequent paranoia.
Fear not, you are an asset to this forum and always welcomed to post.
Listen to the voices of reason (us) and not the frauds in your head.