Otsuka pharmaceuticals had an idea a few years back to put microchips in Abilify pills so folks could tell when meds were taken, what time they were taken, etc. I think that that’s a good idea for just about any med EXCEPT Abilify…how many psychotic people are going to want to take meds with friggin’ microchips in them!?!
I would not take this. 2 months worth of antipsychotic in one go. I know it’s long acting but what if all the ingredients leak out in one go somehow etc etc. Scary.
Zoe you know Abilify cause very few side effects so if you don’t get any side effects from Abilify maintaina after a year of treatment.
Then I think that a two monthly Abilify LAI is quite safe.
OK I beg to differ. I get a lot of side effects and I’m only on 5mg daily. It varies per person. I think.
I’m not a diabetic who injects myself regularly. I think doing something like that to the human psyche is perverse. my opinion on the topic
well I’m not diabetic as well as I’m not alcoholic and I’ve never done drugs so never done marihuana.
But my injection for 27 years has done me well so well that I rarely slipped into psychosis.
that makes no sense for me
I won’t let them put me on abilfy again, my td finally stopped
only 25 percent of schizophrenics take theirs antipsychotics in the timespan of 2 years as prescribed a survey said. So that makes most schizophrenics to candidates for a LA injection.
@Ghosts I took abilfy for a few years so we were afraid the td would last for the rest of my life, I got really lucky
Of course if you get TD from an antipsychotics then it must be stopped abruptly. But I’m glad to hear that you overcame the TD. If I got TD it would put me in a dilemma as well.
@Ghosts it actually gave me slipped disk in my neck, doctor wanted me to see a chiropractor for it but my neck moved on its own so much and I can’t fully relax my muscles very much that I said it was a waste of time (my neck does feel better though)
I’m sorry twailine that you suffer from TD still. The two worst antipsychotics I took was Abilify and Geodon. But Geodon still was the worst.
And the meds I’m on now Qutiapine 800 mg is the best I’ve tried.
I hope that your TD resolve totally.
I’m scared about TD just like you.
It has, no worries, this was when I had td really bad, my neck is better now
I’m very glad to hear that.
which ap do you take now?
@Medusa thiothixene I think is my AP I have other meds too but I THINK that’s it
ah okay i am happy that it works for you without td
@Medusa it should probably be upped