Favorite cartoon/anime/comic/manga

Whats your favorite thing in that list. My top two are fullmetal alchemist and uzumaki

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Tom and jerry…
papye the sailor man…
etc etc…


Psycho Pass and Ghost in the Shell. A nod to Princess Mononoke.


Naruto! Believe it :slight_smile:


Teenage mutant ninja turtles :smile:

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I’m watching Naruto Shippuden right now. It has many fillers though but overall is a great show. I’ve also read the manga in the past. Definitely one of my favorites. Another show I’ve enjoyed was Great Teacher Onizuka.

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Xmen but I don’t follow anymore, I should though


I have lots X-Men, God Eater, Naruto, and RWBY

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Cartoon - Sealab 2021
Anime - Trigun
Comic eh?.. I always get confused about the order in which to read the bubbles.

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Dragon ball z and dragon ball gt


I want to append my old ■■■■ and throw cowboy bebop in as a tie

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My favorite cartoons of all time are Thundercats, GoBots, He-man, Voltron, X-Men (1992), and Justice League (2001).


Got to say Tailspin was my favorite cartoon, but have to say ^^^ Thundercats at 6:30 am with my older brother eating untoasted strawberry poptarts hell yes!.

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I used to like Calvin and Hobbes, and Bloom County. Now I like Pearls and Swine.

Riiiiide the stimutacs :smile:

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My favorite anime I’ve ever watched is Chrono Crusade, the only case so far where I thought the anime was better than the manga.

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My favorite animated movie is Howl’s Moving Castle.

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My Toon is the best


quit being a bitch and pill me up!

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