Family ties

I contacted my mother after a long hiatus by email and got the low down on the rest of the family and all I do is get reminded of how much I despise them all.

I can’t really discuss why I hate them all so much, but I do.

Luckily, I am content with my own company, but still I have the smouldering hatred for them all.

It is not that I am jealous of them. Particularly close family, as I would much rather be myself than any of them. I try not to compare myslef with them as it is unfruitful pastime, and quell any resentment I feel.

I don’t believe in free will so don’t blame them for what they did on some level. On other levels I feel resentful.

I just feel the universe is profoundly unfair and unjust place to be.

Merry Christmas! I hope your family life is better than mine. :slight_smile:


I’m very fond of my immediate family (although the cat is a bit sus). My in-laws remind me that there is never a meteorite around when you need one.

Happy Holiday, sir.

7 Likes family quite dysfunctional but i get used to it.
Happy holiday


My family is crazier than me so they good :+1:.


What makes you despise them?

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Sorry, but I can’t elaborate.

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Nope, it ain’t. But merry Christmas :christmas_tree:.

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My family is dysfunctional and it’s so hard coping with a high maintenance narcissist brother.
He now is developing a God complex.

I think it’s getting to his girlfriend as well.


What is a God complex?


Where someone thinks/feels like a god


That is crazy. Is he also ill?

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Yes he is with a narcissistic personality disorder

He’s getting worse.

The other day out of the blue he called me up and started to rage at me.

He’s out of control

He’s also on speed (ADHD) medication which doesn’t help his situation

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Why did he rage at you? You should not put up with it in my opinion.

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He raged at me for no real reason at all.
I try not to fight with him it only gives him attention that he feeds on.

Dealing with a narcissistic sibling is very difficult to deal with.

Ignoring them is best

It destroys them when they are ignored


Is he actually diagnosed with that?

I have some stuck up family who think it’s hierarchies and they are highest of highs and I’m lowest of lows worthless trash and they think they are my superior.
They treat me with talking down at me etc
I’m uncomfortable around such people.

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Since when does one need a reason to want to stuff your in-laws into a wood chipper?

Seems like a matter of principle to me.


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I love my family very much, but they all have a lot of drama. l am not okay with all the politics, trash talking others, snubbing others, and overall rudeness that I see. Money doesn’t buy manners or common decency.

I feel very fortunate to have such a strong level of separation.


Not officially but all the signs are there
He even admits it

My brother is a nice guy but he is extremely moody and has a big temper.

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