Facebook rebranded as Meta

You’ll still visit facebook.com and use the Facebook App as usual but the company is rebranding itself as “Meta” in its attempt to build the “metaverse”…

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I think someone already posted this.

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oh, must’ve missed it.

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It’s a different article though.

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Except for the name, nothing will change.

They still will be a giant monopolized brainwashing social media company.


I don’t like Facebook … I hope it shuts down soon making way for something new

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Maybe it’s good they’re rebranding facebooks been around for what 15 years? It’s a grandpa in terms of an Internet company. This is my uneducated opinion of corse. … in the online world people want things fast and maybe a makeover is needed.

When I say the word Facebook it just sounds so atiquitated. Idk if meta is a good name but maybe… I’m sure they know what they’re doing. I hope they don’t go in the same direction as Microsoft in trying to force people to use stupid services they don’t want to use.

Anybody remember the Zune mp3 :laughing::expressionless::unamused:


Im buying one share of meta and holding on to it.


I remember Zune but I wish I could get one when I could.


Can you buy me one too? lol I’m broke rn but I’ll pay you back when I’m a millionare

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Who said I’m not broke too?


British tv parody of Facebook. 1 min clip.


Facebook is the industrial revolution of the 21st century

Like it or not: we are continuing to use tech at an increasing rate. Thus; this site

And it’s already as relevant as the steam engine.


Wasn’t the steam engine before the industrial revolution?

If you want to compare apples to apples compare it to Gutenbergs’ printing press probably.

It just caught in a little faster

I heard they are gonna be getting into crypto that would be sick for the crypto market.

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i have such a crush on the cartoon character with the fake bleeped out tits



What a load. “Rebranding” so idiots will think “oooo it’s techy”. Blech.

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