Wow cocky Facebook!!
Shoulda just kept it Facebook
It’s a brand name
What is this metaversre that they talk about?
Nothing will really change.
It’s a marketing ploy because of a string of bad publicity.
This is utter garbage. Mark Zuckerberg is desperately trying to grasp at Web 3.0 cred, but sadly it doesn’t really work when you are a Web 2.0 empire!
Do you think anybody stopped using FB because of bad publicity?
I was watching a vid of a former Facebook exec. He hinted at the fact not to make it to gamey or gimmicky. If you intertwine realistic with gamey it could push off each side. The solution would be to make two separate verses instead of getting rid of the gamey.
I guess Mark Zukerberg is God - the Matrix creator.
If you create the matrix, you are indeed a god, by definition.
I don’t believe there could be a god unless were living inside a simulation. Or a simulation inside a simulation. But if it happens naturally it’s just nature, not god. Although I guess you could maybe still call it god. I think the word god is vastly misinterpreted
Very interesting! I guess the difference between God and nature is that you’d have to be able to control at any level. Another interesting thought is if there is no free will is god really god. Then take it even further is creation enough to be god if you don’t have control at any level. Or maybe if there was creation and no control God is not god anymore.
I don’t know I could be manic. A lifetime of mania I guess.
It’s all so confusing. Time and pre- destiny. And where we fit in the matrix or whatever. Just gotta be the best you can be go on for the ride. Because you cannot escape this show. I don’t believe
Most spiritual teachers have said you can escape the show two ways. What are they? I try to stay away from the fake enticing escapes.
Never heard that. Maybe psychedelics and death. But still not truly escaping. It all comes back in the end. And you’ll be reincarnated back to this beautiful and sometimes shitty but beautiful world. Imo I believe this
You’re right in a sense with psychedelics - enlightenment. Something I just thought of is the knowledge trap. If you’re enlightened are you really enlightened. You can’t remember any difference. The knowledge trap seems inevitable and impossible to combat. Yea you can be enlightened.
I’m on my last cycle of reincarnation my dude or so I’ve been told.
I used to think that too even tho no one told it to me . They all say I’m an old soul. Been reincarnated many many times. Someone said @anon39015889 “yeah that’s probably 20-30”. I doubt you could quantify it. Maybe I was a little bug for a day once long before I reached humanity.
I don’t have these answers. But I believe i have been here before
Psychic also told me I was a “star seed”. I’m still not completely sure what it means.
Yea man I’ve experienced some strong deja vu before. I guess deja vu is probably a sure sign that reincarnation or pre life exists.
Or is just your brain synapsing new memories going into old memories folder. I believe in science AND spirituality. There’s an explanation for everything. However on DMT and some other drugs there was no scientific explanation for what I saw. So I won’t completely discredit your experience
I’d say more is possible than we assume. Much more. But we still gotta be weary of what is scientifically plausible and what is not as well as balancing ur spirituality nicely on the scale
So you’re saying deja vu is just seeing people again just unaware of the first? It could be true in some cases. Im just not sure if that’s the case 100% of time. The feelings that occupany true deja vu are different.
I agree with your statement
Even though I’ve only had deja vu from dreams. I can fux with it.
I agree there is an explanation for everything. It just can’t be explained at our level of science if ever that is why they call it spiritual.