I’m feeling desperate for some social interaction. I’m at the local coffee shop but there’s no one to talk too. I’ve been feeling A bit hyper and irritable lately, I think due to my testosterone therapy, and am desperate to have a social interaction.
I’m sorry you’re lonely. I’ve been lonely before over an extended period of time and it was really hard on me. I had to do new activities to meet new people. I eventually made friends and felt better
I’ve also been feeling especially lonely lately. But then at the same time when others want to hang out I just can’t. It doesnt make any sense. Here if you need to chat.
So, I just cut off 2 friends from my Whatsapp both of whom are women. I do not understand why I isolate myself from friends. Now I feel extremely alone with no person who l have met in real life I can talk to. I assume this loneliness feeling is a part if a schizophrenic’s mindest.