Explain what am I if not a faker

I faked most of the delusions except for one and all of the hallucinations. I’ve never hallucinated which is kind of sad actually imo… i know logically it shoukd be a good thing but yeah

Do you still have a medication ?

Good morning. How are you today? Are you studying any schoolwork today?

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@Azythum yes I’m on Abilify but it doesn’t work for the only delusion I have

And @Leaf I went to school today, it was nice. I was supposed to take an English test but didn’t yet. I’m okay


I hope you do good on your test.

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I think your probably a bit unsure of your situation but you’re trying to figure it out.

So not a faker

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I used to feel like a faker until i realized it was just a coping skill and that i did not want to accept my reality

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For me that isn’t the case

So, what’s your aim now? You want to now convince us you are faking? What’s your end game, to be banned for good?

Tbh, I have stood up for you but now I don’t understand why you want people to think you are faking

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Why are you so compelled to come here if you are certain theres nothing wrong with you?

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I have one real delusion so why shouldn’t I be allowed to be here? @StarCrazy