Exagerated noise complaints?

Soon after moving into my new place I found a letter taped to my door explaining that my foot steps and “loud music” had been keeping the downstairs neighbor awake. It was true that my wood floors creak and I was pacing constantly due to the kind of stress I was under, but the music, nada. I explained this in my letter I taped to the door. And then I found another letter apologizing for her complaint and that the music may have been “in her head” due to a “head cold” and then she concluded by inviting me over for tea.

I went down and knocked, knew she was home and there was no answer. We have never met in the hallway nor outside the building. So no more notes, months go by, no complaints, until this morning I open my door to find a letter from management saying that they’d had “several” complaints of “loud noise and music lasting well into the early morning hours” I mean there were admittedly a few nights when I’ve been up late and I happen to know that these second and third floor apartments with wood flooring do not have much in between the floor and the ceiling below it.

But the music, I have no idea what this could be. I’m not blasting music, if I do happen to have a song playing it’s been pretty quiet as I’ve never been one to even play my music loud. I’m wondering if she’s making up the complaint about the music to give exaggerated emphasis to her complaints about what are really just the foot steps of me walking around in socks.

I’ve gotten the loud music complaint… Switched to usb speakers instead of the system with the subwoofer…

Sometimes I step out in the hall though and I can hear music coming from the other apartments… mines not that bad I’m just situated right at the interest…

Regarding footsteps… “Stompy mcstomps… he doesn’t have feet he only has stumps”

That’s in regards to my up stairs neighbors… I’ve always been a light stepper… but I don’t really notice so much any more.

I do hear their music as well when I’m back in my bedroom through out the day.

Oh well oh well oh well… I will be moving some day…

take care @mussel

“Everybody’s a critic,” says one who would know.

My downstairs neighbors say I’m loud. I don’t think so. It may be that they smoke crack and experience paranoia.


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I’ve had a neighbor blast me before with the loud music and landlady seemed to be a borderline scammer. I REALLY don’t think they could rent out the apartments adjacent to this tenant very long and he was quite disturbed having date over to nutty song he BLASTED for rest of weekend. With my insomnia, was not healthy situation even being upstairs. Told sob story, abandoned some belonging for quick more and nice landlady let me out of lease. Seriously, been just focusing on renting detached houses to stay away from this kind of neighbor situation I’ve dealt with before, or worse like crazy guy who tried to burn it down with careless cooking fires once in while. Is hard to afford detached houses on SSDI alone and takes 4+ years to get on Section 8 in city.

Lots of people are psychotic some of the time, especially the youngers. Very hard to really tell if someone is okay, will meet lots more people as you age who SNAPPED and will do 180 on you & verbally mistreat you, maybe worse. This lady is probably starting to have problems or she is a passive aggressive. I would talk to neighbors and see if anyone will vouch for you with management. I hate to say this, but may not hurt to save deposit and first month’s rent in case the apartment just gets to be too bad to deal with. (If neighbors or management lies, DO NOT GET ANGRY OR YOU COULD GET LOCKED UP. Sadly, some people will hurt another and you will only make it worse by responding. Move.)

I hate admitting it but moving alone & female, can be VERY helpful to focus on month/to/month units and not move much for a few weeks. Was not bad moving air mattress and camping chair. Sadly, ran into some VERY aggressive nutty people and bad cops, worst in small towns actually. Heard stories about some women being ruined for answering job ads in country while I was inhospital (ruined at work, called crazy, landed by drug dealer, cops lock her up for psych eval for arguing) so kind of creep easily. Better to just not move alone any more or just focus on where you already know people. I’ve seen men abandon places too…Better to have extra money when you move. Might hock some stuff if you can. I have done credit card withdrawal at bank for 20% interest in a couple situations myself. Neighborhood not great long for female alone situation can get to be too much quickly too.