Does anyone ever feel left out or they don’t belong. I’ve been feeling that way with my family. I’m kind o a loner but since I’ve been home sick I’ve just been living at home. I love my family but we just live differently. My dad hunts and is always outside. I’m more artsy and stay in a lot. And his views on the world can be much different.
Now I’m at my sisters house. She is doing pretty well but I can’t relate to her much. She is 10 years older and in a completely different position than me
I felt like that with the workenvironment on a few job I had in the past. It was like everybody else was different than me. I mostly got along with them though, but there was no chemistry. However the good news is I can relate to the people I’m working with now.
I feel like this with my husband’s family - like I don’t belong and that they think I’m crazy one. I feel a little paranoid around them - especially his mother. She tries to control my mind.
With my own family I feel safe and loved. Especially with my sister who’s had mental health problems as well, although not psychosis, she understands anxiety and depression very well.
Yeah. I’ve always wondered if I was on the spectrum. Music comes very naturally to me but I’ve never been good at social things. I only get social if I drink a bunch
I mostly just interact with my family and one special friend. They always make me feel loved and they help me a lot, so I don’t feel like I don’t belong.
Well, when it comes to status and life and socializing I know my two older sisters are in a different league. IDK how they did it but they both got accepted into the normie world as equals. We all grew up together but somehow they reached that height of being on equal footing with most people. I first noticed it 40 years ago when I really started noticing how they get treated by people in their lives like spouses, roommates, co-workers, friends etc. They can hold their own with most people. They aren’t rich or powerful but they both had respectable jobs that helped them live comfortably. I, on the other hand, didn’t belong. I have had friends, and I wasn’t inferior, but I was not on equal footing. And all my sisters friends, maybe liked me, but they were untouchable. I was tolerated only because my sisters included me in activities.
But, even though there is a huge disparity between how my sisters are treated by people, compared to me, somehow we still get along. They have always included me in activities, always invited me to fun things like movies or going out to eat or parties. Somehow, it works. But there is small part of me that feels I don’t belong anywhere.
I don’t care about things like social status and I only respect those who respect me in turn. If I’m in places I don’t really belong, I’m oblivious to that fact lol.
I feel like I don’t really belong here. I’m worried that they will take me away in 11 years and don’t find anyone afraid of delusions that have a time set here. I saw somewhere on a different forum someone being afraid of being killed when they are 18 but that’s about it. I’m just worried that life is really unfair and that I have bad odds.
a better question is if you ever feel like you belong. i think people with sz as a status quo feel left out. but once in a blue moon, you’ll have an experience where you belong. cherish those moments.