Losing our electricity for three days really makes you see how good we have it to have electricity…!! yes we are broke but I feel happy now…
Finding a way to smile despite life’s circumstances is 95% of the battle.
Keep your chin up @jukebox, a man with a good attitude is twice as rich in my book.
…and Big SquEEzy ((((HUGS)))) are still free, so here’s pne for you .
thank you @Csummers miss you…!!
We’re very poor. We rely on TANIF and SNAP and SSI to get by. So I understand how it is to be broke. Things aren’t super bad but we use food pantries and community outreach stuff. It all helps.
Poor people today (in the west) live better than kings did in the 1600s. Something to feel good about.
Miss you too!
Someday I’m going to bring you all the ingredients for you to make your Jambalaya…Mmmmmm😁
I can’t wait to see you !! mmmmmmm
I’ve had money in my life. I’ve had nothing and borrowing to get by week to week…
Still. Money has no hold on me. I don’t act too much different. I was unemployed and gave my last $10 to a friend to buy cigarettes. That is just something I’ve done.
Yeah it’s cool, but what do you need to survive? Me. I rather some love and some companionship from family and friends. That stuff you can’t buy!
I feel the same way about money, it don’t change me either way.
To me, people reveal their true selves not when they have money, but more so when they have none.
well good @Csummers when I inherit my millions I will buy the jambalaya and serve it to you with a tall beer.
Aw @jukebox
…It’s not necessary for you to have have millions to get me to come over for your Jambalaya…
I’m on ssi, but I don’t really consider myself poor. I have everything I want. Learning to be happy with what you have is the key.
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