Emotional support animal. A poll

I just found out in canada I can get an emotional support animal and my landlords have no say in whether I can have it in my apartment. I just need a medical document saying I need one. My psychiatrist would do it in a heartbeat. However I am torn because I don’t want to cause any kind of rift between the landlord and myself. I really miss having a cuddle buddy and my daughter does as well. Not sure what to do. What do you think?

  • Get an emotional support animal
  • Don’t rock the boat

0 voters

That would depend on how reasonable your landlord is (have you explained to him your predicament?) and on the choice of pet.

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Well it’s the law and human rights issues are taken very seriously so the landlord couldn’t do much about it. I would definitely get a cat. Dogs are a lot noisier and messier. And without a yard a dog would require a lot of attention. I just don’t want to have a bad relationship with my landlord.


Getting a cat is an excellent idea @FatMama!
I say go for it!

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Cats aren’t much trouble. I would do it

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It’s your right and you really do have a need.


I really don’t think your Landlord would mind you having a cat as support. What harm could an indoor cat possibly do? Go for it FatMama, it sounds like a great idea for both you and your daughter.

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i’d get a support animal for sure =)

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I voted for don’t rock the boat.


In general, if you have a good reason to need pets, landlords are not allowed to deny you that here. I think you should go for it. But be prepared for the extra costs. Vets are expensive, good feed is also expensive, and indoor cats will most likely scratch up some things in your apartment that will need replacing/fixing when you move. And don’t declaw them, of course.


The law is a tricky thing. It may be a human rights thing that you’re legally allowed to have the animal. But a year down the road he might kick you out for some kind of technicality or mistake you made. He can claim that is the reason why he has a problem with you even though secretly in his mind he hates the animal.

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The only thing the landlord could do is evict for non payment of rent, a primary family member taking the place or ‘extensive renovations’

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[quote=“FatMama, post:1, topic:241958”]
Not sure what to do. What do you think?
[/quote]I’m not going to try to tell you. If you do get an emotional support animal get a sedentary cat. They’re nice to stroke, and they don’t cause too many problems. I’m taking care of three cats right now. They like to cuddle, but they also like to tear around my apartment like a tornado. They’re barely more than kittens. They’re fun to have, but they can also be a pain. Also, be sure and get a scratching post or have your cats declawed.


I want to get an older cat


I wanted a snake named Lucifer but I never went though with it ! Lucifer would be my emotional support snake :snake:!

If you are happy where you are living, I wouldn’t do it. They will make up some other excuse if they are against you having an animal in the house.

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If they say no I won’t follow it up. Just worth a try.

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Have you asked your landlord if you could get a pet? Maybe he will say yes without all the extra trouble a cat is a good choice they basically take care of themselves with using the litter box and all you just have to scoop it and feed them everyday

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My lease doesn’t allow for pets

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Oh I see that is a tough decision then

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