Easily Overwhelmed

I get easily overwhelmed. I was just listening to some music and, for a while, it was ok. Eventually, though, i had to turn it off as it just became too much for me to handle. I find that i get overwhelmed a lot, like my mind cannot handle a lot of sensory input. Being around people does it, as does being in a noisy environment. I often have to retreat to the quiet of my room to get my head straight. Anybody else dealing with this?


I no longer like watching tv. I don’t like the sensory input of that. But I haven’t felt that overwhelmed of late mostly because I live a pretty relaxed lifestyle. I also retreat to my room and surf the web, for some reason that agrees with me.

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Yes. I am, and I bet a lot of people on this site are too. I spend a lot of time alone in my room. I’ve gotten to where my brain is more active, in a good way, when I am alone. Most people get activated when they’re around other people, but not so with me.

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I’ve been trying to watch a kids show about trolls recently but I find that I’ve been getting anxious and overwhelmed after I watch it. I know it seems innocent but it gets to me.

I also find solace in retreating to my room and vegging out/doing menial tasks like checking my email, listening to instrumental music, and sometimes coming on here.

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Totally. I find that i become easily overwhelmed by noise and light at times…particularly when i’m heading for one of my breakthrough psychotic episodes. Then my mind becomes noisy and loud - like white noise if that makes sense, so even when i retreat into a dark, quite room, i’m still not in peace. I usually have to take extra AP’s to get my head straight.

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I feel that way too so I sleep a lot

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I get easily overwhelmed too!
Everything is a chore or work.

Everyday activities stress me out.


I seem to get a delayed reaction now to stressful stuff. Like I can kinda cope at the time but the following day I’m wasted.

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I have a slow processing speed so a lot of information overwhelms me. My mind just can’t take it anymore.

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