Early-Life Exposure To Dogs Linked To Decreased Schizophrenia Risk


I still have psychosis but I love my dogs so much.

What about cats? I want a cat but cant take care of it .

My cat says this is fake news.

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During pre-morbid/prodromal phase (pre-teen/teenage) our dog was an emotional support for me as I have difficulty in socializing me out of the school time.

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That’s great. I have none of the markers for schizophrenia except mom having mono and having a bad drug trip in college and under extreme stress and possible trauma from 2011. But ya, I had dogs growing up and I notice animals help me bond and relax and sooth my soul. I thought I might have gotten a virus from my dog’s or the dirt (norovirus) that gave me schizophrenia, but that’s not real and is a delusion – something I struggle with.

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I wish I knew about this earlier.


Had a cat at a young age.


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Had dogs all my life

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My dad was a police officer who had a medium sized flock of sheep as a side hobby, so we had Wicklow collie sheepdogs all out lives.

I used to help out my dad with the sheep at weekends which was a great escape from my office job. Very therapeutic and the challenge of the hard physical work kept me more functional with the Sz. No sheep for the past 20 years though which is a pity.

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Had my oldest doggo since age 14.

He’s a good dog. I love him to bits.

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