Dystonia & Quetiapine

Since I started Seroquel I’ve been getting these little involuntary muscle jerks. Not TD, just little twitches. Can that be the quetiapine? I asked my pdoc and he said it was very very rare, to the point of impossibility.

Any one else on Seroquel getting little twitches?

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I have had tiny little twitches on every medication. Although they have grown more pronounced since I got on medication, I believe i likely have had it to some extent my whole life. But it could also be familiarity making me feel like it has went on longer than it has

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I’ve been twitching a lot all over from round about the time I stopped taking quetiapine, don’t know if it was that or not though. I remember my feet started jerking during periods of relaxation a good few months before that.

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I’m not on Seroquel but i get a jerky twitch in my left thumb. I take Cogentin for it and that seems to help.

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I am on quetiapine and have had twitches. It can happen

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Ya me too

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i would get that when i took it before sleeping. like random full body twitch before sleeping. but nothing during the day.

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@anon2818416 do you exercise? Maybe it can help

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I twitch on Zoloft. I know it’s the Zoloft because every time I change the dose it stops for 3 days then comes back. I was recently off my Zoloft for 6 weeks and it never stopped. So I think it’s permanent for me. However it’s minor and the Zoloft helps a lot so oh well :pensive:. My doctor has such a “but it’s working…”. Kinda attitude. He also called it a distonia.

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He actually did a tardive dyskinesia test on me and I passed with flying colors for no td…

He says td doesn’t come from Zoloft anyways

However I’m afraid it’s permanent anyways for me

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on quetiapine 100 as a top up to the depot jab. yeah i get the twitch. Could be that im overtired tho. Not overly bothersome.

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Not as much as I should :wink:

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