Dropped by my 3rd Dr

I have been dropped by a PCP, and neurologist, and now a pain management doctor because I miss appointments. I only miss when I can’t handle leaving the house/ my bedroom. I give random excuses because I don’t want them to know about all my psych issues. I found a new (and probably better) pain center (the same group that stuck my daughter’s cast on her), and I am waiting for a call from them so I can make an appointment. The only reason I am missing today is that my daughter got her cast really wet and has to have a new one put on. I can’t help it!

I am thinking about being more upfront with my new pain mgmt Dr. and getting a note from my psychiatrist to explain the situation. What do y’all think?

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I think that’s a good idea :bulb:


Thanks, @everhopeful. I am tired of making excuses. I don’t want to miss my appointments, but I can’t help it. My psychiatrist has a note in my chart not to charge me for missed appointments. I always let them know ahead of time, just not always a full day (unless it’s really bad) because I don’t know how I will do day-to-day.


Yes, it’s a good idea.

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I talked to my psych doc, and she said it was better to handle it in a phone call. So once I get my new pain management doctor, she will give them a call. :slight_smile:


Smart plan! Definitely best to explain yourself! When I was pregnant with my daughter, I missed OB appointments. I made up excuses. Finally, they told they need to know the real reason. I told them it was anxiety. They were waaay more understanding! The doctor said she was nervous it was drugs!

Well, this particular doctor has made it very clear that he will not see me again. I got a phone call and was also told that I would be getting a letter in the mail.

The neurologist dropped me because I wouldn’t get checked out by this one headache center. I couldn’t because they required a $1000 deposit and wouldn’t take insurance. So he dumped me. I don’t know why the other doctor dropped me. It was before my diagnosis, and I was quite reliable then. One day, I just got a letter in the mail, signed by all the doctors in the facility, that said they wouldn’t see me any more. I was offended, of course, but couldn’t bring myself to call and ask why. I don’t know what I did.

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That’s great that your pdoc will help you!

The uncertainty is hard. I’m sorry you didn’t receive answers. I can appreciate not paying the $1000. The therapists at intensive outpatient want me to get a second opinion from a different psychiatrist. But I don’t want to drop a few hundred to do that!

The ocd center I am at keeps your card on file and charges it if you cancel. You have to cancel TEN days out. It’s ridiculous. Life happens and things come up. I was charged $380 for missing an appointment! The worse part is, my parents had to pay it because I didn’t have the money! It was kind of them, but I still feel awful!

Wow! That sounds terrible! I’m sorry you went through that.

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Thanks @Happy_H

That’s outrageous @FlyingPurplePeopleMeeter. I think it’s practically criminal.

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I signed the paper in the beginning saying I understand their ten day policy. Still, I think it’s wrong. They fill appointments quickly, and have a cancellation list for people to come in who are waiting. So they make double the money. Eek!

Yeah. I hope they’re helping you because they sound like complete jerks. If I got throwing up sick I would purposely come into their office puking and say well I can’t affort the 400 it’ll cost me to not be here! I expect to be seen…, blehhhh as I vomit again!


Bahaha! My mom and husband think they’re helping, so I’m sticking it out. But it’s hard!


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