Dream reality confusion, anybody else?

So here’s the thing, I am currently and have been for the better part of the year, experiencing dream reality confusion. Meaning, I am constantly questioning if something happened to me occurred in reality, or if it acutally was part of a dream. I will say this troubles me and is quite abstruse, to the point it causes dysfunction in the morning and throughout the day, particularly if I’m at work, getting up at 4:30 in the morning. And it’s not little, insignificant things I’m questioning; its not like I’m wondering if I ate a hotdog in the middle of the night. No, instead it’s things that are vital in my everyday life. Like sometimes, for example, I question if one of my family members died. Or if the White Sox won the World Series, I stress about that one for sure lol.

Anyway, I bring this up to ask if anyone else has this problem. I have done some digging around, and found that it might be due to BPD, which I have been diagnosed with. In fact, here’s the article:


Great topic. I get this all the time, almost like deja Vu, every day I’ll remember something and think “was that real, or from a dream?” Very often, I really can’t tell for sure.


I have had this problem for years, but never really talked much about it


I had it too.
Now not much


Thank you for the replies. I’m guessing people who didn’t reply, did so because they have not experienced this, but I could be wrong. Anyway, thank you as I’ve been trying figure out the next logical step; if to increase risperdal, or leave it and instead focus on DBT therapy.


I used to have this all the time, but meds made it go away

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