Dont you find it strange, that i dont feel any sedation on my ap?

Ok, i have some experience with my ill friends, but they all say that the meds make them high in a way… But why don’t i feel anything like this? I want to feel it in my head and not in my body. I ruminate so much, i thought Zyprexa is supposed to be a powerful med… Why i don’t feel any sedation on it in my head and in my mental? Maybe i really need some sedation in the end, cause i even have physical pains from my mental disorder… One of the docs who saw me, said that even my motricity is bad… Why Zyprexa doesn’t sedate me at all, isn’t it strange? Do you personnaly are high on your aps?
I still ruminate as hell in the evening, with the worry of how ill gonna get up on my feet after 17 years of isolation, and this gives me headaches, really…

APs don’t make you high. At first they are sedating but eventually you get used to them.

Pain pills make me feel high. I don’t like them.

Zyprexa didn’t do anything for me. It was like a sugar pill. It was the first AP I tried.

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Am i not supposed to ruminate less? The problem is that i ruminate mostly in the evenings… On what ap are you now @TomCat? My Zyprexa works to get me out of my bed and it calmed a bit my fears, but not all of them. But i tried 10 antipsychotics before. Now i am in the mood to not to believe in the meds for all my condition, but i can make a mistake. Zyprexa got me out of the bed(even though that i am mostly in my house) without too many side effects…
Idk, some of my friends say that they are high on some aps…

I am maxed out on Geodon and take 40 mg of Latuda. An AP has never made me feel high though. Seroquel made my symptoms worse which I thought was surprising because my wife loved that med. She took it for sleep but at a very high dose.

Haldol shots have helped me in the hospital but I have never tried it regularly.

Ok, thank you :slight_smile: Maybe this latuda will come one day here also in Europe where i am… Seroquel personnaly made me a bit high, but also aggressive, it gave me some ‘‘false’’ self esteem and it increased my sensibility to sounds and i was freaking out because of this on it. Definitely not my med. Haldol made me akathisic, yes, yes…

I’m on seroquel and that doesn’t sedate me at all.

When I first started taking Zyprexa I felt stoned.
Felt high as a kite for a couple of weeks till I got used to it.

exactly… I never had this… Not even in the beginning. On the other hand, in the evening after it take, it smashes my brain so much that i feel low and heavy. i cant even move and i feel it bad in my head…

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Seroquel makes me feel dizzy, and kind of makes me feel high. The room starts spinning and my whole body goes limp. Don’t know if it’s because I’m anemic too. I’m only guessing It’s like a high because of the lightheadedness.

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Meds affect everyone differently. Many sleep meds that are supposed to have powerful sedative properties that knock people out well into the next day have no effect on me at all for example.

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Seroquel made me hallucinate at first.
Yeah I felt high taking it for the first couple of days.

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Pfff… I guess i am stuck in my house till i get better… Cause i am not sure i want more meds… The doc doesn’t want to change my ap anymore. Maybe all this isolation made me crazier, no? Its not nothing to have had only the television for 17 years, no? Is my ruminating pathological you think or its the isolation? Cause i think now how to survive.
Otherwise, once on 4 days i made my ‘‘mini’’ crisises in front of my mom where i regret everything and where i am hungry for justice, yeah…

Geodon did this to me. That med was like a narcotic or something. Made me feel absolutely high and my hallucinations were far more intense than usual. Missing so much as one dose started setting off severe withdrawal symptoms. So glad I’m off that…jeez…I wonder what mechanism exactly in these meds creates that high effect.

I did read sometimes seroquel is abused for a high. Doesn’t make me feel that way though, just sleepy.

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It’s possible. Like so many psychotropic drugs, Zyprexa causes some drowsiness in most people. Morning drowsiness is more likely to occur early in the course of treatment than later on after you’ve been taking it for a while.

i don’t have drowsiness… My brain is just like smashed. I am not drowsy… It squezzes my brain for some 4 hours in the evening. and I ruminate like hell cause I think about my future now…

Olanzapine especially at 10 mgs caused quite a lot of drowsiness/somnolence for me. That’s not the case with Consta.

There is a wide variation of how people respond to the med’s. I was in the hospital with one guy who could take any amount of Stellazine, and it had no effect on him. Just a small dose of that was like a chemical lobotomy for me. Fifty milligrams of Trazodone will put some people into a deep sleep for twenty hours. That drug has no effect on me. Keep working with your med’s. You can probably find a combination that works for you. There is a certain amount of trial and error involved.

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