Donated blood today

My church had a blood drive, and I donated red blood cells which they desperately need. They asked me if I had sex with a guy in the last three months, and I said no. They also asked if I was taking any medications for an infection. I said Yes, Zovirax for herpes. They asked if it was active and I said no.

So they accepted my blood donation. Apparently it’s okay if you have herpes so long as it’s not active.

Has anyone else donated blood?


Not in a long time. Funny story. Trigger warning on this story:

When I was in psychosis, I was a afraid my blood was poisoned. I bought
needles/syringes to try to slowly remove part of blood from body. After doing this, I left marks on wrists. I then went in to try to give plasma and they pegged me for a drug user because of wrists and marked me as a risky donor. I can no longer give plasma there. I tried a few years ago and they still have me on file. So no plasma giving there for me.

Btw, I had little success with removal. I was not very good at it. Just left marks.


I have. For a while I was anemic so they wouldn’t take my blood. I haven’t gone back since. I probably should though, because I’m alive due to many post-operative blood transfusions. I seem to bleed out most times when I have surgery. The least I can do is give back

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I don’t know if I can give blood.

Do they allow it when you’re on antipsychotics and benzodiazepines?


I’m on antipsychotics but not benzodiazepines. I’m in the USA too. They let me donate.

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Thanks @LilyoftheValley @Bowens @Headspark


I’ve donated blood a couple of times and sold my plasma a couple of times, but then they told me I couldn’t do either one because I had tested positive for hepititus. I’m pretty sure that I don’t actually have hepititus. They say that Haldol can give you a false positive for hepititus, and I was on Haldol at the time. Donating plasma was a pretty good dodge because you can make around $135 a month doing that. That is a nice little chunk of change for someone with my limited means.

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Thanks @crimby 1515

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There’s no need to continually thank people for their posts. That is what the ‘like button’ is for. I know you’re a super polite dude and you’re really refreshing, but it’s not necessary.


Thanks for your input @Patrick . I appreciate it.


lol! @Bowens!!


I don’t think i can donate bc i take anti psychotics, I asked once and they said no.

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They used to have blood drives at my old high school back in the day.

Was— and still am not— fond of needles, but you got to miss class and get free apple juice and Nutter Butters and Oreos, so not a bad deal.

Oh, and also helping people is good too.

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I tried once, but they turned me away.

In my defense, they didn’t have any notices up saying it had to be your own.



I’m feeling a little run down this morning and thirsty, but they told me I would need fluids. To donate red blood cells, they hook you up to a machine which takes your blood, removed red blood cells, then pumps what’s left back into your vein.

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