Don’t believe the voices

I know how hard it is, the voices feel so real, your first instinct is to believe them, and you have to fight to disbelieve.

Please remember the voices lie, all the time. You aren’t these horrible things they call you, you aren’t going to hell, you aren’t faking it, people do love you, you aren’t worthless, don’t harm yourself.

They pick on us, and it’s unfair, it hurts. Damages our esteem and ego.

Just know you aren’t alone, they pick on me too.

Wishing you some relief,



Thank you, I remember the name calling. It does still hurt me. I know what they’re thinking.

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Things to remember, or things to tell myself

You don’t need to listen to them.

They aren’t real.

They don’t tell the truth.

Your family and friends love you.

There’s nothing to “wake up” from, this is reality.

You shouldn’t hurt yourself.

You aren’t a parasite, only taking.

You have worth.

You aren’t a liar.

You won’t go down below.

We have to fight the voices, we can’t let them win


Ways to help cope:

Music, drown them out and distract.

Reality checking with someone you can still trust.

Hobbies. Keep your hands busy.

Exercise. Physically work past them, releasing some chemicals.

Memes. Get a laugh


I’m going through the same thing right now. They made me believe that i was a ghost and that i was dead.

I think it was an ego death. I feel like a new person now but the voices are always there. Does anyone else have a form of control over the voices? For me, they are influenced by the mood i’m in.

I have schizoaffective bipolar type.


SZA depressive type here. If my mood is low my voices are the dead, usually picking on me, telling me to hurt myself.

If my mood is good, the voices are angels, and they tell me grandiose things, like I’m chosen.

Not much control over them, only control over how they effect me



When i’m in a normal mode sometimes they speak the truth. Right now the main one is in a really low frequency because i make music and there’s a lot of bass in it. It sounds like a demon.

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Wishing you some relief from the voices.

I know how they can be.

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Thank you. I’m coming back from the worst psychosis i’ve ever had. It lasted almost six months.


That’s rough dude. Welcome back home.

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Actually my first instinct is to tell them to F off. I haven’t believed anything they’ve said for about two years now. Don’t have that symptom anymore. I just wish the voices would stop, I don’t need to hear that noise.


Unfortunately I think the voices are real they said some messed up stuff at the time when I was really psychotic which makes me think they know the future and the past, really wish they wasn’t true but I’m on the fence. Hope you guys get relief

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Welcome to the forum! Sorry you have voices too. Wishing you some relief as well!

This is a good place if you want to talk, if you need a good laugh check out our Meme thread.

Thank you for the warm welcome I will check the meme thread out. One thing with voices I can’t wrap my head around is if their not real and just in are head why does are mind punish us like that, you would think it would be in survival mode saying good things not bad things to make us suicidal it’s like the brain wants to self destruct kinda weird


There has been some theory that the content of our hallucinations is based off of different things.

For me it’s my mood, when I’m depressed, or my sub conscious is down, the voices pick on me, tell me to hurt myself. When I’m normal mood, they’re often angels saying comforting things and telling me I’m chosen.

I just feel like I have no privacy, they know everything about me (why wouldn’t they, it’s my brain).


By the gods I know that one. When they pick on me they know all of my insecurities, all of my past failings, and throw it in my face. They try to twist my happy memories into corruptions.


It is sometimes difficult to choose whether voices are real or not, when we don’t have any proof of after life. And they are talking about afterlife n feel so real. N can even make my body feel things. I knw it could just be an illness but wat if it’s an illness n more. That’s my concern

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This is a nice thread @Ooorgle. It’s nice to get these things off my chest.


My current tactic is to disprove everything the voices say about me. If they call me a loser, I’ll go win at something, if they say I am worthless I’ll do something that helps others, and so on. The more that I go against the negativity they say about me the less and less they are there. Sometimes I also just tell them to go away in whatever way I feel like. Stand up for yourself against them.