They say you don’t start to feel better until like 1-3 months later. Well in the past when I was really messed up, I didn’t feel good after being sober for six months. The only thing I wanted to do is go use alcohol or drugs. This time it took all but three days and I already feel better sober than I did after six months. Last time. I got a sponsor at the AA meeting yesterday. Me and this guy in my sober house are really good friends. Today’s eight days sober and riding high . They say not to be too confident in your recovery but I feel pretty confident right now. Especially with all the supports that I have. I feel really good! Yay
Is it hard not to go back on drugs?
I’m confident right now. On my med combo I have zero cravings. I’ve tried getting sober on naltrexone before but I still felt the need to self medicate. Now I’m healthy so there’s very little will for me to return to smoking Pot. It’s like a miracle I think. Hopefully I’ll have six months sober when I leave the house and will continue to ride that momentum.
Congrats on being sober and being happy about it. Keep up the good work and take it one day at a time.
When I was in NA they would call that being on a pink cloud I think if I remember correctly. That feeling ur describing a little after becoming clean or sober.
Glad you’re doing well!!
Good for you @Jonnybegood!
Keep moving forward!
I know what a pink cloud is I don’t think this is it. This is naltrexone+Zoloft making me feel amazing .
Oh ok. Well anyways then that’s awesome!!
True. They mean over-confident. They mean while three days is a good achievement for any alcoholic, don’t think you are “cured” of alcoholism. I know you’ve been in recovery before and you know this and I know you racked up some sober time and I know you have an idea of what AA is about, but it may help someone else reading this.
Over-confident alcoholics think they can still hang around bars and they think they can safely hang around friends or acquaintances who are still using or drinking or go places where there’s lots of drug activity or drinking. Just a little warning for everybody: don’t go to bars to test your sobriety.
Some alcoholics think it helps them if they go to a bar several days a week but they don’t drink. They think this shows that they proved to themselves or to others that their resolve is strong to resist temptation. But if you are an alcoholic and you keep doing this it is actually going to chip away your resolve and one day there’s a good chance you are going to pick up that drink again and be back right where you began in your recovery. Be careful in your early sobriety folks.
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