Does the tv talk to you?

Sorry to say I have been on both sides of the tube off it is cold as it over welms you with bull and fear on its a fear of not knowing why its going to do to others I would not change my life but I wouldnot have know with out the tv

Do you know what when I was experiencing a psychosis for the first time I watched this movie and in it the guy had schizophrenia. That’s what led me to tell the psychiatrist i thought I had schizophrenia.

If they use the 2nd person (you) then yea sometimes. But sometimes I don’t notice it. I’ve been readin comics and manga to try and replace tv though sometimes unsuccessful. It happens a lot more with music with me which is funny cause music is one of my favorite activities.

I see stuff in the media as messages to me all the time. I almost started crying in into the woods because I thought the devil was taunting me in it with one of the songs. By the time I finished that movie I was heavily dissociated and thought the sales clerk in the shoe store we went to after was an angel checking on me to make sure I was ok.

Also see music as messages to me all the time.

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If this song ISN’T a message to me then I might be losing it.

Some stuff it’s just really really creepy like you can’t see how it’s not a message. Like when I was having a delusion where I was a warrior being trained for the apocalypse and this song pops up on iTunes called “Save the World” like what. Or when I thought God was mad at me and it started raining and then the song that came on my phone had the line “My love is rain.” Ok. Just weird things, man, I donno but it’s weird.

I experienced this once. It wasn’t that bad. I was really sick at the time though.

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That happens to me a lot. Like an album or song comes out that is so coincidental to what’s happening to me at that time I find it that it can’t be coincidence and whats weirder is that I dig the rhythm and feel of it. On a lighter note I will always love music as it is universal and much of it that I listen to is actually very beautiful like fleetwood mac or the beatles😀

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I also like the Beatles. I was listening to Eleanor Rigby just today :smile:


That song and Tomorrow Never Knows are my all time favorite by them. Just the whole Revolver album. I remember having a walkmen when I was about 4 listening to my mother’s Beatles CD’s. I have since become a mega music nerd :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

For me it was Abbey Road. I used to listen to the whole album on loop on my Walkman lol. I still have almost the whole thing on my phone haha.

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Back when walkman’s still existed lol. I’m a 95’ child so I still know some 20th century tech.

Same! Childhood was like some 90’s, some early 2000’s. Pretty decent. I remember those little thingies you could get and you would put like a tiny cd in them and it played like one song too. Don’t remember what it was called.

They had walkmen that played singles? And they had CD’s that were singles?! Thats so counter productive to the CD but sounds really quirky and cool wish I had one. I still buy CD’s though. Ever since MP3 and the resurgence of vinyl you can get CD’s for .50-1$ on amazon.

It wasn’t a Walkman it was like this tiny little thing I don’t remember the name of. My first iPod was a shuffle :smile: I thought it was so cool and I had like Disney, the Beatles, top 50’s songs and disco on it. Really random.

I don’t get cd’s anymore since I lost my Walkman and have literally nothing to play them on :confused: the nostalgia would be neat though

Is that what your talking about? They look like gamecube games lol. It’s interesting that artists would put music on that format. But it would be cool to have one just for the collection. And I just buy them and put them on my computer. I don’t like illegal downloading because I’m worried I’ll get caught or I’ll get a virus so its the cheapest way to get music besides free mixtapes. Also as a music nerd its really fun going through the booklets and see who did what. And one CD I got the whole booklet is a comic book.

They used to give out the little CD’s in fast food meals haha. It was called “HitClips” I just looked it up.

That’s awesome. If they still gave out singles at like mcdonalds I’d be buying a happy meals daily

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Sometimes they gave out CD’s with a few songs on them too. Heard my first Nsync songs on those lol. I was never much for boy bands though.

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Yea me neither. But still thats so much better then the toys they put in the happy meals these days. If I ever opened up a fast food chain I would bring back hit clips. But it would be really random stuff. Though if they did do something like that again it would probably be a link to a free download of a song which kinda takes the fun out of it.

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