Does the tv talk to you?

Yeah true. But those tiny CDs were so fun! It was all popular music at the time though, no older stuff.

Still no matter what music it was I’d treat it like Pokemon

Wahaha train it into a powerful cd and then send it into battle??

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Hahaha no I was going for catching them all. But your idea is better. “I bet my Lorde can beat your Selena Gomez!” Haha if they still made them as pop music I mean. However I think a 3rd evolution Kanye would beat them all lol

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Yea …I miss talking with Johnny and Marv.

The idea of a 3rd evolution Kanye terrifies me :laughing:


It goes Kanyeus, Yeezolo then he evolves into Yeezus. His moves are “twitter defense,” “cameraman swipe,” “ego boost,” and “fishstick storm”. He also has unlimited power points because he can always replenish it with ego boost. He also can’t live in a poke ball because poke balls “ain’t what Gods do.” And can only be caught if you already have Jay-Zoras

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Back on topic, the people on TV talk too fast, as though they were trying to sell me something they knew was shoddy. They’re all much too young-nobody my age. They talk about a lot of things that are irrelevant. Too much noise. I can’t relate to any of it. It messes up my mind.

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I used to have this problem. I received sayings and words of world politicians from TV , but then the problem went away as my meds started helping me.

I think people are giving me implicit messages over the tv through their looks and what they say. I never talk about it because that might get my med’s changed.