Does Sound Hurt?

Another strange one prolly…

I sometimes feel physical pain from sound. I don’t always know if these sounds are hallucinatory, but it’s one hum in particular, which always seems to come from outside. When I hear it I start to feel nauseated, shake almost violently, and have painful tingling on my skin (not a tactile). All of these sensations wax and wane with the hum.

Anyone else?

I get increased symptoms when it’s noisy.

I don’t know if that’s the same.

I like the volume down low on the TV and radio.

My husband likes loud music and such,

It super stresses me out and I feel like I have competing sounds in my head.

It can be painful.

But not sure if that’s what you’re experiencing.

Sounds different.

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I get that too. Sensory overload, I think? It’s different from what I’m speaking to here, but yeah, it’s painful in its own right for sure

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People with sensory processing difficulties feel physical pain from certain sounds/textures/tastes/sights. It is pretty common in folks with autism and ADHD, but can also be found in other disorders.

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My autistic niece always covers her ears when she hears a loud dog bark or my mom’s cockatiel make screeching noises. She hates certain loud sounds and sometimes even starts crying at them. Not sure if it’s painful or what but she acts like it is.


I get it too sort of. I dont know if this is similar but I get moments where everything gets very loud, like jacking up the volume in headphones and it hurts, especially if it happens for a long time

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The pain can cause me to cry as well. It’s awful. I’ve never been diagnosed with autism tho I’ve had suspicions. Thank you.


I get that too. Do your ears physically hurt? Mine hurt all the time it seems like.

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Yeah my inner ear does. Afterwards I get the ringing tinnitus thing so I always assumed it was real

Doesnt happen often tho

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Same. I don’t think my ears have stopped ringing for a year.

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Damn have you gone to an ear doctor? I did once without telling her about psychosis and they tested my hearing and were like “Wow! Your hearing is so good!” and stuff

I think that didnt help things lol but maybe yours is physical. Im not sure about mine


No, I haven’t wanted to bother my family with it, since I’m currently living off them.

I have a feeling ill get similar feedback. I hear everything.

I’ll consider it tho

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My family has a thing where, before any sudden, loud noises, we say “Loud noises!” It gives us all a chance to prepare for it by covering our ears. Before hitting a light switch we say “lights!”

We all have sensory processing issues. Starlet and I have ADHD, and Mr. Star has autism.

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I like this idea. Sadly, my family is more likely to try and pray the problem away before doing anything effectual. I don’t tell them about my problems, it’s better this way.

Sorry to hear that. It is challenging when people try to force you to function in their box even in your own home.

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I’ve come to terms with it, and don’t expect them to be different for me. I’m fortunate they exist at all.

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