Does schizophrenia get worse or better as you age?

I am isolated but not completely and I have a support system who I talk to on a regular basis consisting of my family a therapist and others. But how does what you wrote relate to my post?

are you male or female,if you dont mind me asking

im sad i feel isolated.i live with my mum and i dont see anyone else.


Well, the obvious solution is to get people in your life. Whatā€™s your situation? Do you have any clinics near you that have support groups? Can you check whether there are any day programs or mental health clubhouses in your area? Are there any places around you that have Adult Ed classes? Do you have a therapist or psychiatrist to talk to? What do they suggest? If thereā€™s anywhere you could socialize, they might know. Iā€™ve seen colleges offer classes for disabled people, like classes where they teach you basic living skills like cooking or cleaning or how to practice good hygiene etc. How about taking walks just to get out of the house? Iā€™m sorry youā€™re in that situation.

ah thanks for the reply, that means alot to me lost to be reaching a stage where im loosing my mind,and people around my area loosing interest in me,because im loosing my social skills.somtimes i think they laughing at me,well they actually are cause i dont say hi to them.

No problem man.

Iā€™ve felt like I was losing my mind lots of times too. Maybe even most of the time. I know socializing is hard but maybe you could force yourself to say hi to people. Just little things like that help in recovery and might make your life easier. Are you getting any help with anything? Are there any mental health or disabled services near you, or resources?

When I was in my thirties, I used to take a weight training class for the disabled at our local community college. I didnā€™t have to talk to anybody but at least it got me around people and it got me in shape. I would walk in the small room and work out on the machines for an hour and nobody bugged me. The teacher was friendly and empathetic.
Maybe your local college offers classes like this.

Isolating comes natural to many schizophrenics but it helps if you can force yourself to be around people. Itā€™s good for you in the long run.

Things are much worse. The positive symptoms are much better but the negative symptoms are much worse. I am in much worse physical shape, and probably donā€™t have much longer to live.

sadly the people around me are uneducated and rude.also where i live theres no support system.also im forty years old i feel like i seen and experinced in my life.iand i dont know.i just wish i had i friend,i can help him,he can help me.have fun together.

My negatives, cognition, and positives have improved ten million fold lol. Iā€™m on year 9.5 and Iā€™ve always believed and said the first 10 years are the hardest and hell on earth or worseā€¦

I donā€™t want to sound like a broken record, but I used to suffer 24/7 every day even while sleeping. My head was messed up as well as my whole body and external reality and even my relationships like with my family.

I still have a billion miles to go to improve my physical and mental health. It would be nice to work or get a degree someday but Iā€™m not counting on it.

I feel like the world is going to hell so I donā€™t know what the future is going to be like.

I have to stay with my family because Iā€™m largely dependent on them for survival and happiness.

Iā€™m 30 years old and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if I get cancer in the next 2-3 years or even a heart attack or stroke from my caffeine, cigs, and severe obesity.

I believe in heaven, but I also feel like the universe repeats itself for eternity in the same exact way forever and forever into hell.

So, I feel like Iā€™m going to be schizophrenic when I wake up in the next life around 2011-2013 at the latest. And experience and live through the universal ā€˜resetā€™ button when itā€™s pushed again like the last trillion or more times.

Iā€™m 51, diagnosed at 21. My symptoms are so different now as before I was owhelmemed with positive symptoms and now I am fighting extreme negative symptoms. Still battling though! I want to feel better trying best I can.

More understanding about our illness. But psychotic episodes or depression episides still happens if there are high levels of stress or little stimulation. This is my opinion

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