Does love fade

This is my first relationship. We only got as far as kissing and what happened a month after. My first kiss :see_no_evil: We haven’t you no… he’s very patient. He told me he thinks I’m traditional I don’t know how to take that lol we are complete opposites. I’m quite shy while he’s a loud mouth. I know it’s soon but I do worry he’ll go off me at some point. I can’t believe this is happening I’m so happy. He told me yesterday I’m always happy lol well I think it’s cos of him lol he’s already discussed marriage and children which kinda made me feel scared but apparently this is normal and it makes it seem he’s serious so I’ve been told. I’m 31


only thing that is Universal and immortal iz love…!!!

Been with Mrs. Pixel for 17 years. The cool thing is that every so often I find something new I can appreciate about her. She is the very definition of awesome sauce. :heart:


After nearly three years with Mr. Star, our love hasn’t faded even a little bit. It keeps getting stronger and stronger. Sometimes love fades, but when that happens, it means it was never really love in the first place.


Yes, love can fade. I thought I would never fall out of love with a couple of people that were in my life, but, I did.

True love won’t fade…other types will…and then the toxic ones youl be lucky if they just fade…those tend to explode…


Well, this is what you wanted, right?

Congratulations Ish.:blush::tada::gift_heart::ghost:

If your talking about love like that mushy feeling. Yes I would say it fades . But two people deciding to share a life time of love is always evolving. It’s all good.

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Love fades like everything else in this world.

The seasons change it becomes brown and it dies completely.

Love is like everything else, it just gets old and it dies.

There is though something that seems to stand the test of time on this planet, and it’s simply friendship. A good friendship never goes away man. It’s like one of the only things really.

So your love will fade like everything else, but if you are actually good friends that won’t.


Hey ish

if you visit Brendon’s website

you will find his soooooooooooooo important message

Live Love Matter

Did I live? Do I live? etc and etc soooo many questions revolving around these three all important words.

Intelligence is universal.

When a Human, like you, your boy friend, someone in the forum, me, or anyone says something

there is a touch of intelligence to it

let’s face it

we would not be using a forum if we are all not intelligent enough to do so.

So if the relationship between you and your boy friend must get better and better

then ask him and your self

Live Love Matter DOOOOOO YOUUUUU ???

And here is my personal message…

This message is the immortal battle between Forces of Good and Evil, a battle between Skeletor with his forces and He-man with masters of the universe.

Do you own him ? Does he own you ? Make it happen.

Make him own you. Make sure he owns you.

If you own something it means you already have it and shouldn’t be living as if you don’t have it.

Got it?

That is owning…

I believe love fades over time for most people. Because relationships are all formed for having just one thing.
Well, this is just my opinion.

I totally agree with you.

It’s like

  1. A point of view.

  2. Existence, our existence is nothing but relative.

  3. Everything, including love is completely, 100% conditional.


  1. Last thing ::::: It’s always a new existence, a new world, a new life, a different life/world. Change hurts? Change is evolution. Change is time. Change is memory.

Change is memory ???

A seed is a result of evolution/change it remembers how to become a plant and then tree.

So, change is memory too.

And, yes you and I absolutely rock with these statements. - Way One To Go.

What is it with you and owning?! Owning is the opposite of loving. Love requires trust; ownership does not. Girls don’t want to be owned (unless they’re into that sort of thing). You have been talked to about this before. Don’t suggest it again.

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@Ninjastar I mean …

not the dictionary meaning

but the contextual meaning

In context it means you own something that is part of you and you love something

that you want to make part of you.

So you love your lover

love each other

and at last you make them part of you

that is you make them your own

or to say you and your lover own each other

the dictionary meaning can be extremely misleading

and contradictory but if you get the contextual meaning

everything falls in place

rest in peace my dear friend.

At first it is the process of love

then it is the process of making your own that can’t be parted with

Does love fade? Many songs have been written about that! :slight_smile:

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Even the way you explain it is creepy. Knock it off.

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Okay. I would not say it again. But please do consider that there is more to english than dictionary meanings

for example the all too important contextual meaning and what not…