I think I love him

I’m sorry I talk of him often but I genuinely think I might be in love :thinking::heart_eyes::heart:
He’s everything I ever wanted from a partner.
It’s not forever about sex. I like to do other things with him. I am gonna try to watch all his favourite films. Problem is everytime we sit to watch I can’t stop talking to him…I tell him EVERYTHING. :flushed: He never tries to stop me from talking or make me feel I talk to much. He never makes me feel that I embarrass him. Or that I am not enough. Yeah he tells me I’m crazy or weird but never in a nasty way.

I do think I am in loves :heart_eyes:


Congratulations @anon80629714!


:joy::joy::joy::joy: thank you :trophy::trophy::trophy:

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I’m from a culture of marriages that get arranged a lot. So my aunt once came to me saying there is a guy she knows that I might like. He’s not all that she said. But he’s good for you.

I’m sure he was a good guy. But the way she worded that infuriated me.

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That’s great! How long have you been together?

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I can’t believe your aunt said that! That was mean.

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Not that long. Almost coming up to 2 years.

That’s long enough to know you’re in love - real love. I’m happy for you. Are you thinking marriage?

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It’s not going to happen for a long time. :flushed:

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@anon80629714 The thread title made me think.of this song. :blush:

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That’s awesome!

Love really is a beautiful thing.

Life is so short, so hold onto it as long as you can.

Take care.


@anon80629714 It’s so sweet to know you are in love with your partner. I like your posts about your relationship. My life was sweetened by your good news.


Very cool. Love is a grand adventure and your forever learning! So glad you’ve found someone worthy of spending some time with!


That’s awesome :blush: it’s great to find someone like that to share life’s adventures with :blush:

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Ahh Bless! Thats really sweet and lovely what you wrote. That being “in love” feeling is a wonderful uplifting thing to have! It made me smile and remember my own. Im truly pleased for you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Congratulations Ish! You two have stood the test of time.


Nothing’s better than being in genuine love :heart: congratulations

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