Does Kurt Cobain sz or bipolar?

Anyone know.i heard that he is bipolar not sz

Kurt Cobain had bipolar.
He was also addicted to drugs.

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And could be also he had ocd as well.because he used to have some impulsiveness problem ?

I heard he was bipolar, not sz.

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He must have been blind, too. He married Courtney Love.

As far as i know impulse control issues can come from bipolar not ocd

Ooooh, that was low. Courtney Love got abused by Ted Nugent (he made her do oral on him). She was also one of the first people to warn folks to stay away from Harvey Weinstein. I actually like Ms Love.


That’s ice cold.

Courtney Love used to be cute.



OK, In the name of fairness, Mick Jaggar was really good looking when he was young too.

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And in the name of fairness, let’s acknowledge the fact that Mick Jagger constantly slept with underage fans. Like, all the time. And he knew about it. Your jokes are falling flat today, man.

Oh man I loved Courtney growing up. She was also a young woman with autism too.

Well he had a song called “lithium”.

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