Does anyone here know how to knit or crochet?

I used to find it very therapeutic especially when I made little toys. I’d like to get back into it again. Any ideas on what I could make? Here is a photo of one of my projects, it was supposed to be a cat girl but the details were too hard to create so I settled on a Kenny from South Park lookin’ thing.


You’re here aren’t you? :slight_smile:

Lol I am. I’m a little embarrassed at this post.

That’s a really cool doll!

Don’t be embarrassed. Sorry I was just trying to compliment you on your skillz!

Aw thanks :slight_smile:

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Go back and make a cat girl :wink: You’ll feel better for it! :slight_smile:

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There was this woman at this assisted living center where I stayed who could crochet a cap in five minutes. I found that amazing. It would probably take me a week to do that. Some of the women at my assisted living center knit afghans from time to time. They try to sell them, but they don’t get as much money as the labor in them should incur. A lot of women knit afghans in the area where I live. It’s hard to sell them. Most people keep them as family heirlooms.


I’m at a level where I can provide basic lessons, but only with adults, lol. I actually learned how to knit while I was in the middle of a psychotic break. I was so desperate to learn and it took forever but I was determined. You’re right though, Its too hard to try and make a living off of making knit-wear so thats why I’m considering providing lessons.

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well, I also loved the doll you made! I don’t crochet. have you heard of etsy? you can sell good on there that you make. just trying to help.

Gracias :slight_smile: I have heard of etsy, Once I refine my skills a bit more I’ll consider selling stuff.

Have you heard of It’s a website for knitting, crochet and weaving. Thousands of patterns, lots of them free and forums where people help and give advice and links to relevant YouTube videos. But be warned - it’s like rabbit hole. You don’t come up again for ages!
(My avatar here is the cuff of a sock-in-progress)

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do you have animals - I used to make hats, coats, ties for them. Put it on them and take pictures. It was fun and funny!

Used to be able to crochet when I was a kid. I’m still pretty good with a sewing machine as I like to make replacement cushions and such now and then.

I crewchet but am not so good at it.

I cant follow patterns in books I have.
Possible I could if some one broke it down n simplified it for me.

I followed patterns once years n years ago because a lady helped me read them and translated and “broke it down” for me.

I mostly make blankets just normal stitches round n round kinda.

I have made table clothes but cant remember patterns i once knew off by heart.
Same pattern seems confusing n complicated to me now.

I make slippers.

Love em.

This is really cool! :slight_smile:

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