It seems most people are on two different medications that barely work for them. I’m only on a low dose of one. It makes me wonder if this is really schizophrenia or some type of other delusional disorder like bipolar.
BIG PHARM will have you believe that you are many degrees of being mentally off.
whatever,schizophrenia or delusional disorder . If your taking medication you need it. Im taking 400mg Quetiapine and i think its helping me. Sometime the voice come back but i know that they are not real. Can you tell us what symptom you have?
Be happy you only need a low dose. I’m on 25 mg Abilify and 300 mg Quetiapin. I still hear voices snd get paranoia and delusions. But not as bad as when I was in hospital.
I have a mild case. I live as an outpatient, independant. But I have a good therapy regime.
Sometimes I don’t believe I am sick. But I pop a Haldol and feel the difference.
The way I see it, mild or not. You just have to do what you have to do. No one deserves a life of torment. No one.
Negative symptoms only but I think that’s from the drugs
Sorry to hear you have to take so much meds.
I have severe schizophrenia, and am on a low dose of abilify (10mg). It’s different for everyone. I don’t believe that there is mild schizophrenia.
could have been worse, luckily it wasn’t, i mean it was bad at the time but yeah, just trying to get over it now
I’m on a low dose and don’t have many breakthrough symptoms. I guess you could say I have it mild because I can work and do go out shopping for food and socialising.
It is perhaps best to say there are different levels of symptom severity within schizophrenia being seen as a serious mental illness. It doesn’t necessarily follow that level of symptom severity dovetails neatly with level of functioning.
I used to have really severe schizophrenia but ive got a lot better and now its really mild i still take medication
I have mild schizophrenia when I’m med-compliant. When I’m off meds, not so much.
What symptoms were you showing when they diagnosed you?
I have mild schizoaffective. Well the depression part is pretty major but the schizophrenic part is fairly mild but still present
It’s a spectrum disorder. I wouldn’t say I have a mild case. I have struggled desperately for the majority of my life. There are coping mechanisms, there is medication, there is therapy, and there is living in delusion… Etc… Schizophrenia doesn’t fit in a small box, and it seems that the more I try to learn, the more I discover how confusing the information is, and how little is actually definitively known.
I take 3mg of invega which is the lowest dose. I was actually diagnosed with early onset psychosis. But now the psychosis is gone I can still get a bit paranoid for a split second so I guess I’ve got mild schizophrenia now. I really want to get off medication. I think it’s doing more harm than good sometimes.
I agree with @shutterbug, on meds I have mild schizophrenia. Off meds ugh no thanks.
On meds, I still have the same paranoia, but I am not driven to act on it as though it were real. I still have slight delusions of grandeur, in that I think I am highly monitored by various agencies at all times, but I keep that to myself. I still have negative symptoms but I shower and brush teeth and socialize as needed.
I think what meds has allowed me to do is to restrain my physiological fear. It also stops the loudness of voices to the point where they drown out everybody else. I still “know” what the voices would say though, I just have to go inside myself and I hear what they would say, but quietly.
I like to think of this as living in a “dual operating system.” So, Windows 10 is like the Normal brain operating system that has few conspiracies. Then, linux operating system is like my sz mind (this is just an example, not insinuating that people who like linux are like sz). This sz operating system runs paranoia, fear of dying, persecution complexes non-stop. Only meds allows me to switch out of linux and into windows operating system. No matter what I do though, I can’t uninstall linux. It’s always running in the background, just temporarily in sleep mode.
I hope that made sense, because it’s my fave explanation for what my mind is like these days…
When I was diagnosed with schizophrenia my parents were told it wasn’t a bad case of it. Then by the time I met my wife I was being seen as chronically and more severely ill.
I know there are more than a few here with the diagnosis who probably do better than I do both in terms of educationally/occupationally and especially socially.
Can I ask What are your symptoms on meds are?